Can you think of an animal that lives in the water when it is a baby and on land when it grows up? That’s right, a frog!

Frogs belong to a group of animals called amphibians. Like reptiles, amphibians are cold-blooded. But unlike reptiles, an amphibian lays eggs that are soft and have no shells. These eggs dry up easily, so amphibians must lay them in water or wet places. Most baby amphibians are born in the water. They look like baby fish, and they breathe with gills like a fish.

When most amphibians grow up, their gills disappear. Then the amphibians come on land to live. They breathe with lungs as birds, dogs, and people do.

If it is cold-blooded, and lives the first part of its life in the water and the second part on land, it’s an amphibian.

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