Category English Grammar

Agreement of verb with subject

One of the first things that you should pay attention to when you write is this: See that your verb agrees with the subject you have chosen to write about. What you want to write about is your choice. You can choose Sachin Tendulkar as your topic. You can choose to write about your neighbour’s pesky dog that barks all night.

Once you have made your choice about the subject, the next thing is to place a verb that matches the subject in the sentences you make.

You know that verbs change.

  1. The verb changes when the action described happened in the past.       He wrote the novel several years ago.
  2. The verb you pick depends on whether the subject is singular (he, she, it) or plural (they, you). Of course, the pronoun “I” is special and takes the verb “am” in the present tense. If your action/state of being is in the present tense, you need to write – He writes, she writes, it writes. I write, you write, we write, they write. He is, she is, it is. I am. You are, we are, they are.

What about “has” and “have”?

“Has” I used for subjects in the singular, when the action/state of being is in the present tense. He has, she has, it has “Have” is used for subjects in the plural, when the action/state of being is in the present tense.

I have, you have, we have, they have.

For actions verbs, the past tense does not make a difference. It changes to the past tense and remains the same for all subjects.

She/he/It/We/You/They wrote many letters to the government.

Read these examples to see the rules clearly

He has done his work. She has done her work. It has done its work. I have done my work. We have done our work. You have done your work. They have done their work.

“Has” and “have” are also used to show possession. Shenji (He) has a large house. I have a library at home.

As the examples above show, the rules for using “has”, “have” for showing possession are the same as the rules for using them as helping verbs.


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