Month October 2016

What is aestivation?

 It is an opposite process of hibernation. Some animals go under the ground during the dry season of summer. In zoology it is a state of inactivity and reduced metabolic activity that occurs during the dry season in species such as lungfish and snails. 

What are parasites?

Parasites are those animals or plants which live on the living plants and in the bodies of living animals. Parasites that live inside the host such as liver flukes and tapeworms are called entroparasites; those that live on exterior, such as fleas and lice are called ectoparasites. They are harmful for the host.


What are saprophytes?

The living beings that feed on dead or decayed organic matter are called saprophytes. Most saprophytes are fungi and bacteria which contain no chlorophyll. Many other animals eat dead plants and animal matter. They are useful scavengers and in sewage farms and refuse dumps break down organic matter into nutrients and easily assimilable by green plants.