Category Exam Warriors

Why healthy and tasty food can help you focus better in your exams?

Exam pressure can get the better of you – especially board exams and tasty meals can help you focus better and do better in your papers.

Don’t skip breakfast at any cost

On these nice wintry mornings, have nuts like almonds, walnuts, raisins, cashews and even dates – they give you instant energy! You can even keep a small box of nuts with you in your bag at all times. Pop some in when you feel hungry!

Have a substantial breakfast

Eat whatever you like – oatmeal, dosa, sandwich, fruits, milk, and eggs. But eat something. When you’re full, you are less likely to get distracted.

Suggest your meal preference

No one said that healthy meals are bring and tasteless. I am sure your parent knows you the best and packs food that you love to eat. Tell them in advance what you’d like to carry to school – trust me, they will thank you for that. The biggest question that any parent has when they wake up first thing in the morning and the last thing before bedtime is, ‘what shall I make for breakfast, lunch and dinner!’

Carry easy-to-eat things

If you think you may not get time it eat a full meal, carry non-messy, easy-to-eat things like bananas, parathas that you can just roll up and eat while you read or write, and sandwiches.

Drink adequate amount of liquids

You can have milk, juices and especially water. Water improves blood circulation in your brain, which works over-time before any exam. Water calms your nerves and relieves any stress you may have.

Invest some time in exercise as well

A healthy mind is a healthy body. And a healthy body means that everything else falls in place. You can follow these meal rules on a daily basis, not just before or during exams.


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