A black hole is a place in space that forms when a really huge star collapses. Everything around a black hole is sucked into it, like water down a plug hole. The force of gravity in a black hole is so strong that nothing can escape from it – not even light.

Amazing! No one has ever seen a black hole. Because beams of light cannot escape black holes, astronomers cannot see them – even with the most powerful telescopes.

What is dark matter?

Dark matter is what scientists call all the stuff in the Universe that they know is there but can’t find! They think it might be made of ghostly little particles called neutrinos.

Is it true? Black holes turn you into spaghetti.

Yes. Scientists think that, in the last moments before you disappeared forever into a black hole, the force of gravity would stretch you until it pulled you apart. They call this being ‘spaghettified’!

How do we know that dark matter is there?

Scientists can guess how much matter is in the Universe by measuring how galaxies move. This shows them that stars and planets only make up a small part of the Universe. The rest is invisible!

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