Where are the most extreme temperatures found?

Libya and the Antarctic have recorded the most extreme temperatures. The hottest shade temperature was in Libya in 1922, when the temperature in the Sahara desert reached 58 °C. Temperatures nearly as high as this were recorded in Death Valley in the USA in 1913. The coldest ever recorded temperature was in Antarctica in 1983, when Russian scientists measured a temperature low of – 89.2°C.

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The desert process

Deserts were once green and fertile areas, until a climate change altered them permanently. Just a small reduction in rainfall causes plants to die off. Without plant roots to bind and nourish the soil, the land gradually becomes barren. Soon the animals move away, and only desert remains. Very few deserts are completely barren, and plants and animals have evolved to live in the driest conditions, conserving their body water so they do not need to rely on rainfall.

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