Category Life on Earth


As a river flows through countryside, it rarely follows a straight line, but bends and twists following the natural contours of the ground and washing away the softest soil. Water flows fastest on the outer side of the bends, causing that bank to wash away further. In the meantime, soil being carried along in the river water, called silt, is deposited on the opposite bank. Over time, especially if there is flooding, the river may cut across the neck of the bend, creating an oxbow lake beside the river.

Oxbow lakes, sometimes called horseshoe lakes, loop lakes, or cutoff lakes, get their name from their resemblance to the U-shaped collar put around the neck of an ox for plowing. Their unique shape stems from the way in which they’re formed. An oxbow lake starts out as a curve, also known as a meander, in a river. As water travels around the curve, it flows faster on the outside of the curve and slower on the inside of the curve.

This has two effects. The water on the outside of the curve eats away at the river bank in a process called erosion. The water on the inside of the curve, on the other hand, moves more slowly and leaves behind dirt, sand, silt, and other types of sediments in a process called deposition. Over time, these processes create a curve with a distinct U or crescent shape. As the processes of erosion and deposition continue, the piece of land at the narrow ends of the curve closest to the straight path of the river gets smaller and smaller.

Eventually, the river cuts a new, straight path through that small piece of land, creating a shortcut that straightens the path of the river and leaves an oxbow lake behind. When you look at a photograph of an oxbow lake from above, you can often see how it used to be simply a bend in the river. Cut off from the main river channel, oxbow lakes don’t have any water flowing into or out of them. Without sufficient rain, they may dry up completely. Many oxbow lakes that do receive some rain turn into swamps that become thriving wildlife habitats.


Although they often lay hundreds or even thousands of eggs, some fish do build nests to protect their young. The stickleback, found in European ponds and rivers, builds a nest of plant fibres in which the male guards the eggs until they have hatched, chasing away even the female that laid them.

The most interesting habits of fishes are their parental behavior in guarding the eggs and caring the young ones. In Chondrichthyes, young ones hatch out in a fully developed condition. But, in Osteichthyes larvae hatch out from eggs and then metamorphose to young adults. In most cases these larvae are quite numerous and so chance will favor at least few of them to tide over adverse condition.

Nest and nursery building Nest building is the commonest method adopted by fishes to protect their eggs and young ones. It is exhibited mostly by fresh water fishes and also by marine fishes having demersal eggs. Nest building involves active participation of either males or females or both. The simplest form of nest building is exhibited by salmons, darters, sunfishes, cichlids, etc. Salmons select gravelly shallows of running streams as their spawning ground. Here they assemble in shoals. Female will make a nursery in the form of pit to lay eggs. After fertilization, she will cover them with layer of gravel. Similar method is adopted by Australian fresh water, Arius. In case of darters , sun fishes and cichlids males make shallow basin like dipressions on the bottom.

The male of N. American bowfin (Amia calva) constructs a crude circular nest of soft weeds and rootless amidst aquatic vegetation. Spawning takes place in the “weedy castle”. Sometimes later the young ones leave the nest in a swarm escorted by their watchful father. The male of N. American bowfin (Amia calva) constructs a crude circular nest of soft weeds and rootless amidst aquatic vegetation. Spawning takes place in the “weedy castle”. Sometimes later the young ones leave the nest in a swarm escorted by their watchful father.

The male of two-spinned stickle back builds an elaborate nest in fresh water, using twigs and weeds, fastened together by the threads of a sticky secretion from the kidney.

Nest building by female is rarely known. Female Heterotis has been shown to make nests in swamps. There are instances in which both the parents take part in nest building. Eg: Labrus Labrus.

Carrying the eggs on the body some fishes ensure protection to their eggs by carrying them safely either in the mouth or anywhere in the body. In Aspredo and Platystacus, the skin of the lower part of the female becomes smooth and spongy during breeding seasons. Fertilized eggs get attached to it.

 In some fishes like Arius and Tilapia mouth-brooding or buccal incubation is a characteristic property both the male and female carries eggs and young ones in their mouth. In oral incubation, the parent will not feed until young ones hatch out. male nursery fish krutus has a cephalic horn upon which female deposits grape like egg clusters.

Keeping the eggs in brood chambers in most species of Syngnathus, Hippocampus, siphonostoma, male has a brood pouch for the deposition of eggs. In Hippocampus, some sort of” placenta” may be formed for gas exchange between the father and the developing young ones. In syngnathus, brood pouch has a highly vascular spongy lining from which the developing young ones may draw nourishment. in unique pipe fish of Indian and pacific oceans, Salenostomus the inner side of the ventral fin of female coalesces with the integument forming a large pouch for keeping the eggs.

Coiling round the eggs The British gunnel or the butter fish has a peculiar way of parental care. The female roll the eggs to a ball and then curls around them. Often male may assist her in this process. Butter Fish.

Keeping the eggs in egg capsules Some chondrichthyes, gives maximum protection to eggs by enclosing them in an egg capsule. In Scyllium, Raja etc, fertilized eggs are kept in a specially designed horny egg capsule, popularly called “Mermaid’s purse”. Egg filled capsules get attached to aquatic weeds with the help of tendril like filaments. Development is completed inside the capsule, utilizing the yolk reserve. Young ones hatch out by breaking the capsule.

Oviposition means, act of laying or depositing eggs. It is mostly exhibited by central European bitterling. In this the genital papilla of the female serves as an ovipositor. With its help eggs may be introduced to the gill chamber of a pond mussel.  During this female takes to a vertical posture and spawning. Male swims around her and discharges sperms in to the mussel. Fertilization and development take place in the gill chamber and young ones leave the host later.

Several fishes provide maximum pre-natal protection to their embryos by adopting ovoviviparity. Here the development is internal and the special portion of the oviduct serves as an unspecialized uterus.  A true mammalian type of placenta is absent. Nutrition is given either by yolk reserve or the uterine milk which is secreted by uterine wall. Eg: for ovoviviparous chondrichthyes are scoliodon, sphyrna, pristis, stegastoma, squalus, mustelus, myliobatis, trygon pteroplatea,etc. Eg: for ovoviviparous osteichthyes are Gambusia,poicilia,blennis,allis,zoarces,cymogaster etc.


Ponds and rivers are part of the water cycle — the water that is constantly evap-orating from the Earth, forming clouds and coming back to Earth as rain or snow. Some of this water seeps into under-ground streams and pools, which in turn may feed a spring that is the source of a river. Other rivers are fed by melting glaciers or very large lakes.

After a heavy rain, you may find puddles of water standing in low spots. The same principle explains why water collects in ponds and lakes. Water travels downhill, so a depression in the ground fills with standing water. A pond is a small body of standing water. A lake is a large body of standing water. Most lakes have freshwater, but a few are salty. The Great Salt Lake in Utah is an example of a saltwater lake.

The water in a large lake may be so deep that sunlight cannot penetrate all the way to the bottom. Without sunlight, water plants and algae cannot live on the bottom of the lake. That’s because plants need sunlight for photosynthesis.

Ponds and lakes may get their water from several sources. Some falls directly into them as precipitation. Some enters as runoff and some from streams and rivers. Water leaves ponds and lakes through evaporation and also as outflow.

The depression that allows water to collect to form a lake may come about in a variety of ways. The Great Lakes, for example, are glacial lakes. A glacial lake forms when a glacier scrapes a large hole in the ground. When the glacier melts, the water fills the hole and forms a lake. A kettle lake forms in the sediment left by a glacier when a block of ice melts. Kettle lakes are found where continental glaciers once covered the land. Over time lakes get water from rain, streams, and groundwater coming to the surface.

Other lakes are crater lakes or rift lakes. Crater lakes form when volcanic eruptions create craters that fill with water. Rift lakes form when movements of tectonic plates create low places that fill with water.


Freshwater habitats include both still and moving water. Living things within rivers and streams can travel through the water to different areas. Many underwater inhabitants of ponds and Lakes, however, cannot escape from what may be quite a small area of water. However, even a tiny pool may have a complete, self-contained ecosystem. As well as plants and fish, freshwater ecosystems support living things that visit the water but spend part of their lives on land, such as amphibians, birds and insects. Many mammals also spend time in and around the water. Finally, the kinds of wildlife found in freshwater ecosystems will be affected by the climate and landscape around it. For example, the crocodile may be the fiercest predator in an African river, but its place may be taken by an otter in a European stream.

Cast out your fishing line or scoop your net through the water. You are bound to catch something when you are along the river’s edge or at the lake. Catching fish is always exciting, but while you wait for that fish to come along.

Freshwater ecosystems include lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, springs, and wetlands. You will find them in many different sizes, from very small to very large. The water within the ecosystem can be still (not moving), like in a pond, or it can be running (moving), like a river or stream.

Freshwater ecosystems are broken into three zones: littoral, open water and deep water – we’ll talk more about these below. The plants and animals within the ecosystem interact with light, food, oxygen, weather, and climate in different ways.

Plants and animals grow in different zones in freshwater ecosystems. The littoral (or marsh) zone refers to the plants and animals that grow closest to the edge of the water. The plants in this area can make great hiding spots for animals to hide from predators. You might find snails, clams, or even eggs and larvae from reptiles and insects in this area. Common predators (animals who prey, or feed, on other animals) in this zone include snakes, ducks and swans.

The open water zone refers to plants and animals that live near the top of the water. Some float on top of the water and have tiny roots that go down into the water, like duckweed. Others have their roots down in the mud at the bottom of the pond and leaves that float at the top of the pond, like water lilies. These plants get lots of sunlight, which makes them the top energy producers for the animals in the water. Many fish also swim in this open water zone.

Freshwater ecosystems play a fundamental ecological role and provide economically important products and services. They provide critical habitats for a large number of aquatic plants, fishes, reptiles, birds and mammals. They host many migratory and threatened species of birds, reptiles and fish. The freshwater ecosystems are areas of tourist attraction by providing recreation sites for game and bird watching.

Freshwater ecosystems, especially vegetated wetlands, play an important role in mitigation against climate variability. They do so through a number of ecosystem functions including flood control, water purification, shoreline stabilization and sequestration of carbon dioxide. At landscape level, wetlands control soil erosion and retain sediments and in so doing concentrate nutrients in the wetland soil. They also provide economic benefits such as fresh water, fisheries, fuel-wood, building material, medicinal products, honey and foliage for livestock and wildlife. Wetlands provide fertile land for agricultural, mineral salts, sand and soil for making pottery and building bricks. Wetlands are central to rural subsistence economies and livelihood activities of many rural communities in Kenya. Freshwater ecosystems in general are critical to poverty alleviation and creation of employment and wealth.


Oceans offer various habitats at different depths below the surface. These are called zones. The euphotic zone is at the top, ending at a depth of about 200m (660ft). Below this, very little light from the Sun can reach. The bathypelagic zone below is totally dark, so no plants can live there, but a number of fish, squid and crustaceans do make this zone their home, feeding on waste material that sinks down from above and on each other. Deep-sea creatures cannot see in total darkness, but their other senses help them to find food. Some, such as angler fish, carry their own lights. They are not bright enough to search for food by, but they may lure other fish towards them and help fish of the same species to recognize each other.

When the ancestors of cave fish and certain crickets moved into pitch-black caverns, their eyes virtually disappeared over generations. But fish that ply the sea at depths greater than sunlight can penetrate have developed super-vision, highly attuned to the faint glow and twinkle given off by other creatures. They owe this power, evolutionary biologists have learned, to an extraordinary increase in the number of genes for rod opsins, retinal proteins that detect dim light. Those extra genes have diversified to produce proteins capable of capturing every possible photon at multiple wavelengths—which could mean that despite the darkness, the fish roaming the deep ocean actually see in color.

The finding “really shakes up the dogma of deep-sea vision,” says Megan Porter, an evolutionary biologist studying vision at the University of Hawaii in Honolulu who was not involved in the work. Researchers had observed that the deeper a fish lives, the simpler its visual system is, a trend they assumed would continue to the bottom. “That [the deepest dwellers] have all these opsins means there’s a lot more complexity in the interplay between light and evolution in the deep sea than we realized,” Porter says.

At a depth of 1000 meters, the last glimmer of sunlight is gone. But over the past 15 years, researchers have realized that the depths are pervaded by faint bioluminescence from flashing shrimp, octopus, bacteria, and even fish. Most vertebrate eyes could barely detect this subtle shimmer. To learn how fish can see it, a team led by evolutionary biologist Walter Salzburger from the University of Basel in Switzerland studied deep-sea fishes’ opsin proteins. Variation in the opsins’ amino acid sequences changes the wavelength of light detected, so multiple opsins make color vision possible. One opsin, RH1, works well in low light. Found in the eye’s rod cells, it enables humans to see in the dark—but only in black and white.

Salzburger and his colleagues searched for opsin genes in 101 fish species, including seven Atlantic Ocean deep-sea fish whose genomes they fully sequenced. Most fish have one or two RH1 opsins, like many other vertebrates, but four of the deep-se species stood apart, the researchers report this week in Science. Those fish—the lantern-fish, a tube-eye fish, and two spinyfins—all had at least five RH1 genes, and one, the silver spinyfin (Diretmus argenteus), had 38. “This is unheard of in vertebrate vision,” says K. Kristian Donner, a sensory biologist at the University of Helsinki.

To make sure the extra genes weren’t just nonfunctional duplicates, the team measured gene activity in 36 species, including specimens of 11 deep-sea fish. Multiple RH1 genes were active in the deep-sea species, and the total was 14 in an adult silver spinyfin, which thrives down to 2000 meters. “At first it seems paradoxical—this is where there’s the least amount of light,” Salzburger says.


While many fish swim in shoals, eating plankton as they flash through the water, others spend most of their time on the ocean bed. As the fish evolved, their eyes developed on the same side, so that both can see into the water above.

These quick-change artists have eyes on top of their heads, yet marvelously mimic the surfaces they sit on. This prompted Clayton Louis Ferrara to ask Weird Animal. Flatfish have eyes on the top of their heads, how do they see what’s going on the ocean floor?”

Flatfish, found all over the world, range from the angler fin whiff which is about three inches (eight centimeters) to the Pacific halibut, which can get up to around nine feet (three meters) long. This fish group includes species familiar to seafood lovers—not only halibut, but flounder, sole, and turbot.

All flatfish have eyes on the end of stalks, so they pop out of the head “kind of like the eyes we saw in cartoons—ba-boing!” 

Flatfish eyes can also move independently, widening their field of vision. Once flatfish eyes get the lay of the land, they message the brain, which in turn sends signals back to the skin. This organ contains color-changing cells such as melanophores, which either expand or contract according to the background the fish is trying to match.

For instance, expanding their cells would make their color darker. All this neurological relaying is “a pretty sophisticated thing to do,” Burgess says—not to mention it takes flatfish between two and eight minutes to blend in.

Even more impressive than how the eyes work is how they get on top of the head in the first place. Flatfishes don’t start out flat. They start out looking like regular fish, kind of diamond shaped, and “as larvae, the eyes are in regular position on each side,” As they develop “the eye begins to migrate, moving over the top of the head, eventually settling on one side or the other”. This also requires the bones in their heads to move.

The flatfish’s bones are pretty pliable at this point, like the soft spot on an infant’s skull, so “as the eye moves, the bones in the head warp in that direction,” An additional bone, found only in flatfish, develops right under the migrating eye, giving them that goofy asymmetrical look.


By carrying oxygen tanks, divers can examine the wildlife of the top few metres of the oceans, but for deeper investigations, where the water pressure is higher, they need diving suits or specially adapted submersibles. Mechanical arms can be operated from within the sub to retrieve samples of plants, animals and minerals.

Oceanography covers a wide range of topics, including marine life and ecosystems, ocean circulation, plate tectonics and the geology of the seafloor, and the chemical and physical properties of the ocean. Just as there are many specialties within the medical field, there are many disciplines within oceanography.

Biological oceanographers and marine biologists study plants and animals in the marine environment. They are interested in the numbers of marine organisms and how these organisms develop, relate to one another, adapt to their environment, and interact with it. To accomplish their work, they may use field observations, computer models, or laboratory and field experiments.

Chemical oceanographers and marine chemists study the composition of seawater, its processes and cycles, and the chemical interaction of seawater with the atmosphere and seafloor. Their work may include analysis of seawater components, the effects of pollutants, and the impacts of chemical processes on marine organisms. They may also use chemistry to understand how ocean currents move seawater around the globe and how the ocean affects climate or to identify potentially beneficial ocean resources such as natural products that can be used as medicines.

Geological oceanographers and marine geologists explore the ocean floor and the processes that form its mountains, canyons, and valleys. Through sampling, they look at millions of years of history of sea-floor spreading, plate tectonics, and oceanic circulation and climates. They also examine volcanic processes, mantle circulation, hydrothermal circulation, magma genesis, and crustal formation. The results of their work help us understand the processes that created the ocean basins and the interactions between the ocean and the seafloor.

Physical oceanographers study the physical conditions and physical processes within the ocean such as waves, currents, eddies, gyres and tides; the transport of sand on and off beaches; coastal erosion; and the interactions of the atmosphere and the ocean. They examine deep currents, the ocean-atmosphere relationship that influences weather and climate, the transmission of light and sound through water, and the ocean’s interactions with its boundaries at the seafloor and the coast.

All of these fields are intertwined, and thus all oceanographers must have a keen understanding of biology, chemistry, geology, and physics to unravel the mysteries of the world ocean and to understand processes within it.


The Cacti of American deserts are probably the best known examples of these plants. They store water in their fat, fleshy stems, so that they can survive in times of very little rain. Their leaves are reduced to narrow spines, so that they have a very small surface area from which to give off water by evaporation.

The variety of beautiful and interesting succulents seems endless.  There are hundreds of types of succulents with fascinating shapes and colors.  Many desert succulents will live healthy lives much longer than humans.  Some of the best succulent plants also have medicinal uses topically and/or internally.

You can grow succulents from seeds.  They are also easy to propagate from the leaves and cuttings. They grow best when you use specially prepared soil for succulents.  With a little patience, you are almost guaranteed success in starting a new succulent plant.

A succulent is any plant that can store water in its roots, stems or leaves.  Succulents have at least part of their plant that seems over-sized, fleshy and thickened.  All cacti are succulents.  Many other plants are designated as succulents even though they are not cactus.  Most succulents originated in arid regions but there are some that come from rain forests and every other type of environment.

The Latin word translated into “succulent” is “sucus” which means sap or juice.  It is typical of most species of succulents to have a liquid juice or sap in its leaves or body.

The Encyclopedia Britannica describes succulents as; “Succulent, any plant with fleshy, thick tissues adapted to water storage. Some succulents (e.g., cacti) store water only in the stem and have no leaves or very small leaves, whereas others (e.g., agaves) store water mainly in the leaves. Most succulents have deep or broad root systems and are native to either deserts or regions that have a semiarid season.”

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In desert regions all over the world, animals have developed similar ways to make the best use they can of the little water that is available. Some creatures stay in burrows underground during the heat of the day, only venturing out during the night, when it is cooler. Many desert animals do not have sweat glands, and their kidneys are able to remove most of the water from their urine. Several animals have ways of storing food as fat, for use when their normal food is scarce. As well as camels, these include lizards that have fat stores in their tails.

The desert is a huge, wide open space, meaning there isn’t much respite from the baking sun. For many desert animals, seeking shade is paramount to survival. Some animals cool off under the shade of a large cactus or rock. The Cape Ground Squirrel native to Africa uses its bushy tail as a parasol, bringing shade wherever it goes. Of course, there’s always shade to be found underground. Snakes, desert foxes, and skunks are just a few of the species of animals that burrow underground to avoid the hottest hours of the day.

When you’re tucked away in an underground burrow, the smartest thing to do is take a nap. Many burrowing desert animals are also nocturnal, meaning they sleep during the day and are active at night. The desert cools off significantly at night, allowing these critters to catch a break from the punishing heat.

Not all creatures shy away from the sunlight. Silver ants, a species of insect native to the Sahara Desert, have an incredible adaptation that keeps them cool even in the blazing sunlight of midday. These ants are covered in metallic hairs that not only lend the ants their distinctive metallic color, but also reflect the sunlight, preventing it from reaching the ants’ bodies.

Earth’s driest deserts get around half an inch of precipitation per year, in the form of condensed fog. Water is so scarce that most desert animals obtain water not by drinking it, but from food sources. Desert plants often contain a small amount of water, enough for these efficient animals to survive on. Desert birds and reptiles often get water by eating insects.

Once a desert animal has obtained a few drops of precious water, it’s important to make it last as long as possible. Many desert creatures have evolved to be able to store water in their bodies. A tiny amount of excess water can be used to cool off. Some species of desert birds can evaporate water from their mouths in order to cool themselves. Other animals, like Fennec Foxes, have huge ears that spread the excess heat out over a large surface area.

When all else fails, some desert animals simply hibernate during particularly hot and dry periods. These animals burrow into the ground, lying dormant until the temperature drops slightly, or water becomes available.

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More than a third of the Earth’s land is covered by desert, but very little of it has the sandy appearance that we usually think of when deserts are mentioned. Most of the world’s deserts are barren, stony places.

Most of the world’s surface is covered in water, in the form of oceans. The remaining landmass of Earth amounts to approximately 29 percent of the surface. Of this remaining 29 percent, deserts of all types constitute an estimated 33 percent, or one-third, of the Earth’s total landmass. This large percentage is due in part to the vastness of the world’s largest desert — Antarctica.

Though sand dunes and cacti might immediately spring to mind when people think about deserts, the term “desert” is actually more inclusive and refers to a variety of different land types, from arid canyons to frigid polar plains. Deserts, which make up a large amount of the Earth’s land mass, are home to a diverse collection of plants, animals and landforms.

Deserts are primarily defined by their dryness. A desert can be any land area that has an annual deficit of water — that is, an area where more moisture evaporates than is taken in through any form of precipitation. In more concrete terms, a desert is commonly defined as any area that receives less than 254 millimeters (10 inches) of precipitation (in the form of snow or rain) in a given year.

Because the definition of a desert is so broad and focused on aridness, there are many different and varied types of deserts. In general, deserts may be hot, like the Sahara, or cold, like Antarctica. Beyond that, deserts may be broken into several more categories, depending on their geographic and physical features and how they form. For example, rain shadow deserts are formed when landforms like mountains interrupt cloud cover and prevent precipitation on the protected, or leeward, side of a mountain range.

Antarctica averages less than 5 centimeters (2 inches) of precipitation in the form of snow each year. The icy nature of Antarctica is due to the accumulation of snow, which, despite its small amount, still falls faster in most regions than it can evaporate due to frigid temperatures. This massive polar desert accounts for approximately 14.2 million square kilometers (5.5 million square miles) of the Earth’s surface. The largest hot desert on Earth is Africa’s Sahara desert, which makes up 8.6 million square kilometers (3.3 million square miles) of the planet’s surface. This arid land receives an average of less than 25 millimeters (1 inch) of rain each year.

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