Hawkeye actually first learned how to use a bow and arrow as a circus act. He was trained by another circus performer named the Swordsman, who turned Hawkeye into a master archer.
He took those skills and became a star attraction with the circus. It wasn’t until after he saw Iron Man that he thought about using his skills to help others. He also met Black Widow, which put him on the straight and narrow.
The man who would become known as Hawkeye was born Clint Barton. Orphaned at an early age, he joined the circus and apprenticed himself to the Swordsman, a performer who specialized in tricks with blades. After he discovered the Swordsman stealing from the circus, the two fought, and Barton was left for dead. Barton recovered, and he continued his martial training with the circus’s resident archer, Trickshot. Barton excelled with the bow, and he decided to use his skills to embark on a career as a costumed crime fighter named Hawkeye. After some initial misadventures, Hawkeye proved his worth to the Avengers, and he was a regular member of that group’s rotating cast throughout the 1960s. At the end of that decade, he used a growth serum developed by fellow Avenger Hank Pym and became the giant-sized Goliath, a role he kept for the next several years.
Credit : Britannica
Picture Credit : Google