New York City is known by many nicknames—such as “the City that Never Sleeps” or “Gotham”—but the most popular one is probably “the Big Apple.” How did this nickname come about? Although uses of the phrase are documented in the early 1900s, the term first became popular in the 1920s when John J. Fitz Gerald, a sports writer, started a column about horse racing called “Around the Big Apple.” However, it wasn’t until a tourism campaign in the 1970s that the nickname came to be synonymous with New York City.
The most populous city in the U.S. also goes by the name Gotham, which was first used by Washington Irving in an 1807 issue of his literary magazine about the legends of an English village named Gotham.
New York City is frequently shortened to simply “New York”, “NY”, or “NYC”. New York City is also known as “The City” in some parts of the Eastern United States, in particular New York State and surrounding U.S. states. Other monikers have taken the form of “Hong Kong on the Hudson” or “Baghdad on the Subway”, references in different cases to the city’s prominence or its immigrant groups.
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