You gulp a bit of air into your stomach every time you eat, drink, talk, chew gum, or yawn. When your belly balloons to its maximum capacity, it releases the bubbles back up your food tube (your esophagus) and out your mouth and nose. The result: Brrraaap! My, what a loud upper esophageal sphincter you have! (That’s the flexible flap at the tip of your food tube that vibrates as it releases swallowed air from your stomach.)
Burping is almost never anything to worry about. Everybody does it at least once in a while, and it’s very unusual for burping to mean something is wrong in a kid’s body.
It seems like the only people who can get away with really loud burps are little babies — their parents cheer when they burp because it means that the babies won’t feel the extra gas in their stomachs and cry. But unless you’re tiny and bald, it’s probably a good idea to be polite when it’s time to burp.
So what can you do if you’re around people and you feel a burp coming on? Try to burp quietly and cover your mouth. Of course, whether your burp is loud or quiet, saying “excuse me” can’t hurt either.
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