Of all the great lake that lie within the various continents the highest above sea level is Lake Titicaca which is situated in a vast, high plateau on the Andes between Peru and Bolivia. The lake is 3,811 metres above sea level which is about 1,000 metres lower than the summit of Mont Blanc. It has an area of 8,285 square kilometres and is divided into two by the Strait of Tiquina. The whole lake is 178 kilometres long and is very deep (370 metres). A number of narrow strips of land put out into the lake from the shore and from broad stretches of sheltered water where very tall reed forests grow. The local persons use these reeds to make boats. They also use the reeds to make big rafts which they load with soil and convert into floating gardens that produce beans, peppers, marrows, potatoes and other vegetables.
The entire region round Lake Titicaca is fairly well populated because the climate is mild and good for farming. The clear waters of the lake contain many kinds of fish.
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