Where does commerce figure today in the scheme of things of a career-oriented student? What kind of avenues and openings can commerce per se offer to those who pursue it?

I think it figures very prominently because it opens up many doors for those who want to make a good career. A lot of students give priority to commerce – this was not so earlier.

There are openings for commerce students in the traditional sense. They can go for CA, ICWA, for company secretaryship, or related areas in accounting and finance. If you want to do MBA, CA, CS or ICWA, you don’t necessarily have to be a B.Com. Even a BSc student can go for CA or MBA. The only difference is that commerce students or commerce pass-outs have an advantage over non-commerce students in case of courses like CA, CS or MBA, because some of the papers they have to study are taught at B.Com Hons level.


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