Gender goes beyond biological sex and the binary of male or female. It is what one identifies with. And, gender equality is a human right. It refers to the equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities of all humans, irrespective of whatever gender one identifies with. Which is to say, we cannot be allowed or denied something simply because we identify or don’t identify with a certain gender. We must be seen and treated as individuals.

Why is it important?

Gender equality creates an equal world. Inequality gives power and advantage to some people while excluding others. It is harmful. For instance, if you love to go to school, but are stopped from going simply because of your gender, it stops you not just from learning, but also from realizing your dream and becoming the person you want to be. This could make you unhappy, fall ill and distance yourself from others. On the other hand, when you go to school, learn, and achieve your dream, it benefits not just you but also your area of work, the people around you, and society. You will inspire many others to dream big, and be a team player too. Here’s another example. If you are excluded from doing chores at home simply because of your gender, someone else is burdened with doing your share of the work. It is possible that later on you will struggle to (learn to) do that work or feel entitled. However, when you are treated as an individual capable of doing any work, it is likely that you will grow to be independent, compassionate, secure, motivated, happy, and open-minded. Understanding that all genders are equal takes us a step closer to a happier, more compassionate and peaceful world.


  • It doesn’t matter what gender you identify with. You are free to learn any subject, play any type of games or with any toy.
  • You need not hide certain emotions simply because they are seen as “Weak” or “unfit” for your gender. As humans, we all experience different kinds of emotions, and it is good to express and learn to handle them effectively.
  • We all have unique characteristics. Use their traits – and not their gender – understand other people. No gender-based name calling or put-downs.
  • To never use one’s gender to justify or excuse their behavior.
  • No skill, role or task is tied to gender. At home or at school, everyone must work together, and take up all kinds of responsibilities.
  • Your aspirations need not be defined by your gender. You can do whatever you set out to, if you have the interest for it, and work hard.
  • To speak up when you witness gender inequality – at home or at school.