The Solar System
Our solar system contains the sun and the many objects that travel around it. Some are planets much larger than Earth. Others are tiny meteors and bits of dust.
The Sun’s Family
There are nine planets in our solar system. Each of them moves around the sun in a certain path. This path is called an orbit.
The first two planets, Mercury and Venus, are very close to the sun. The others are much further away. Two planets are much smaller than Earth. One is about the same size. And four are much bigger.
Like Earth and the moon, the other planets in our solar system reflect the sun’s light. That’s why we can see some of them at night.
The sun’s family also includes objects called asteroids, comets, dwarf planets, and meteoroids. Asteroids are small masses of rock or metal. Most of them move around the sun between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
Comets are frozen balls of ice, gas, and dust that travel around the sun. Comets have long shining tails.
Dwarf planets are small, nearly planet-sized objects that travel around the sun. Many dwarf planets are in the Kuiper belt, a region of space just beyond Neptune.
Meteoroids are chunks of rock or metal that move through space. When a meteoroid enters Earth’s atmosphere from outer space and begins to burn, it becomes a bright streak called a shooting star, or meteor.
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