Bulletproof clothing are designed to protect the wearer from the impact of bullets on his/her vital organs Bulletproof vests are made of many Layers of tightly-woven fibres such as Dyneema and Kevlar. Kevlar is considered seven times stronger than steel while Dyneema is 15 times stronger. These fibres are basically a type of plastic (polyethylene) with high tensile strength owing to their tightly bound, parallel molecules. Layers of fibre are sealed together into a vest shaped sheet or panel. This panel is inserted into a carrier, ensuring it is tightly held at proper position on the wearer’s body. This carrier and the panels constitute bulletproof clothing.
So, what do these layers of fibre do? The layers of this tough material deform the incoming bullet, stripping it of its energy. They absorb the energy from the bullet, slow it down through friction and bring it to a stop. However, some layers may be penetrated. Hence, unlike the name suggests, a bulletproof vest is not truly bulletproof but actually bullet resistant. It can prevent bullets from penetrating the body however, even after a bullet is stopped, the impact can sometimes injure the wearer. There are different vests for different guns. Some higher level armours allow for metal plates to be inserted, providing extra protection.
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