Why do I need minerals and vitamins?

                      You only need small amounts of these substances, but they are important in many of the processes that keep the body healthy. If you eat a healthy variety of foods you will be taking in plenty of vitamins and minerals. This is called a balanced diet. If you eat lots of ‘junk food’ this can mean that you are not taking in enough vitamins. You may need to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables.





Why should I eat fibre?

                    Fibre is the part of vegetable food that your body cannot digest. It provides the bulk in your diet. Fibre, or roughage, helps food to pass easily through the digestive system. It also helps to keep the system healthy and to prevent some serious diseases.







How much should I eat?

                  The amount of food you need each day depends on your age, size, sex and the amount of exercise you take. Older people need less food because they have stopped growing. A teenager who plays a lot of vigorous sport will need extra food to provide enough energy. Babies also need lots of energy to help them grow rapidly.

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