Category Communication

What is Paging Service?

            The 21st century would take people to a world of mechanical solidarity with courtesy from services like paging service, cellular telephone and Internet etc. Having acquainted ourselves with services like cellular telephone and Internet earlier, now let us discuss what paging service is all about.

            Paging is a one-way wireless communication providing instant access to the person being paged. One-way communication means that the subscriber only receives the message and can not communicate back instantly. The subscribers receive messages from anyone with access to a telephone. The modus operandi is as follow: The paging network of a particular region is co-ordinated by a ‘pagers exchange’ or network operator. Subscribers have a paging number assigned exclusively to them by the concerned network operator. The person who wants to send a message to a subscriber rings up the operator and leaves the message with him along with the subscriber’s paging number. Then the operator relays the message to the subscriber either directly or through any other regional operator. The message is then received by a small palm-size device called ‘pager’ kept by the subscriber with himself. An alarm sound from the device alerts the subscriber who then reads the message, flashed on the screen of the device. Some pagers also vibrate to alert the subscriber of an incoming message. The main advantage which a pager provides is that the subscriber receives the message wherever he may be since he carries the wireless device (pager) always with him.

            In India, as of now, the government has issued licenses to private operators to provide paging service to interested people and the number of subscribers is growing fast. As per current estimates, the running cost of a pager for monthly service would be around a couple of hundred rupees and a pager, at the moment, costs about a few thousand rupees. It is now the cheapest and most reliable one-way communication system available in the market today. Although its primary use is to get a message across fast, it has other potential uses such as getting across share market information by the business circles or to have latest cricket scores, for instance. The only demerit is that it provides only one-way communication as the receiver can not communicate back to the caller. 

What is Electronic Mail?

          Electronic mail is a modern method of instant delivery of letters without the involvement of a postman. In this system of mailing, messages are sent with the help of a computer.

          In the electronic mail system a letter or any other document is typed and edited on a computer. It is then sent to the addressee through a computer network in the form of electrical signals. The addressee may be anywhere in the world but he should also have an electronic mail system. The contents of the transmitted letters or documents get displayed on the screen of the computer of the addressee. If he desires, he can get the message printed. If the addressee is absent, the transmitted matters will be automatically stored in the computer’s memory. When he returns the computer will give an indication that some mail is waiting for him.

          With the help of electronic mail system both typed and handwritten matters can be transmitted. Electronic mail is very fast and saves time and paper work but at present it is very costly. It needs a satellite, telephone and cable links with television, voice and computer data telecommunications. The electronic mail system has so far not been feasible for individual households. This system is being used by developed countries on a large scale.

          Email is widely used in Internet Services. It is also connected to other systems in which exchange of Email are being made effectively.



What is Internet?

          The rapid progress made in the field of Information Technology has revolutionized the world of communications. The world is gradually becoming a global village as interaction among people all over the world has become more frequent than ever before. The widespread and efficient use of computers in the field of telecommunications has made the world a smaller place to live in. ISD, FAX, Electronic Mail, Paging Service and now Internet – all are the gifts of this revolution. Internet has aroused much interest in recent days as it has become a very powerful medium of communication. But what is Internet and how does it operate?

          Internet is the world’s largest computer network. A computer network is basically a bunch of computers connected together in some way or other. It is just like a radio or TV network that links various radio or TV stations so that they can share a common programme. The major difference is that in TV networks the same information programme is sent to all stations whereas in computer network, each particular message is usually routed to a particular computer. Some computer networks consist of a central computer and a bunch of remote stations that report to it – for example, the centralized railway reservation system which links many terminal counters to a centralized computer. But other networks like the Internet permit any computer on the network to communicate with any other. Actually, the Internet is not really a network; it’s a network of networks – all freely exchanging information.

          Through Internet people from all countries can now share information, ideas, stories, data and opinions – the functions that are now generally carried out by letters, telephones and other modes of communications. It has become the fastest and most reliable way to move or exchange information. For example, during the 1991 Soviet coup, a tiny Internet network provided all the information to the rest of the world when all other communication systems were shut off. Medical researchers all over the world use the Internet to maintain data bases of rapidly changing data.

          The Internet facilities are provided through a large set of different services. Though to mention all the services would make the list exhaustive, some examples can be given. Electronic mail is the most widely used Internet service. Electronic mailing lists enable one to join in group discussions and meet people over the Net. Online conversation, Information retrieval, Bulletin boards and Games and gossip (challenging other players who can be anywhere in the world) are some other kind of Internet services.

          India’s access to the Internet has ushered in a new phase of computer communications in the country. Originally a small electronic community in the American Defence Department as a way for military researchers to contact with each other, Internet is now the world’s largest electronic network.


What is a Compact Disc?

            Compact disc is a new kind of disc which is recorded and played by laser beam. Compact disc has silvery, mirror-like surfaces which reflect light in a rainbow spectrum. The music disc is about 12 cm dia. while video disc is about the size of an LP and hold both pictures and sound.

            In the recording process, sound signals are converted into number so that each part of the signal has a precise code. These numbers are recorded as the binary digits 0 and 1. Physically, sound is recorded on a CD as a series of minute pits and flats which relate to the two digits.

           The laser disc has a very reflective metallic surface, covered by a protective coating of clear plastic. A semiconductor or small He-Ne laser is used for scanning. The player spins the disc and scans with laser beam which moves straight across the disc from the centre to the edge. The shiny surface reflects the beam back into the player, where it is picked up by electronic device. This produces an electrical signal which the player decodes back into video pictures and sounds. The laser beam reads about 20,000 digits every second which are converted into sound signals.

           The biggest advantage of compact discs is that they never wear out because there is no physical contact between the disc and the player – only a beam of light. 

What is the principle of an autopilot?

Most large planes have an autopilot. This is a device operated by a computer. It will fly the plate without the pilot’s touching the controls. These autopilots can even control take offs and landings.








The principle of an automatic pilot is similar to the automatic steering of ships, but here three gyroscopic sensors and their associated equipment are used to control the three variables in aircraft position.

These three variables are yaw, pitch and roll. The complex autopilot system uses an airborne computer which activates servomotors for introducing necessary corrections. A radio or radar link to the computer allows control from the ground for automatic takeoffs and landings.


What is bar code?

A bar code is computerized information encoded in a pattern of black and white stripes. The black and white lines represent IS and OS and can be read by light. They carry encoded information – from the membership number of a sports club to the price and stock number of a packet of washing powder in a supermarket. In fact bar codes are used to store data of all kinds.

The code is scanned by a beam of light. When a beam of light is passed over the bar code only the white stripes reflect back the light. This is picked up by a photo – detector which produces a pulse of electricity when it receives light. So the black and white bar code is translated into on/off pulses of electricity. These pulses are fed into a computer for decoding. Nowadays laser beams are being used for reading the bar codes.