Category Communication

What is cave art?

The earliest form of art that has been found is cave art. It is found on the walls of caves around the world from Europe and Asia to Africa and Australia.Cave art consists of pictures, mostly of the animals hunted by early man. The first pictures were probably drawn with charcoal. Later, clay, lime and charcoal were ground into a powder, and mixed with water or animal fats. So, the pictures became more colourful and life-like. Early artists made brushes with animal fur, feathers, twings, and moss. Sometimes they used just their hands to draw the pictures.Cave art represents one of the first attempts of man to communicate by means other than speech, and is therefore, an important milestone in human development

What is drum communication and who used it?

BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Tha-ki-da… the –ki-da…tha! Rat-a-tat-tat… don’t you just love the sound of different types of drums?Did you know that early man used drums as a means of communication? In Africa, New Guinea and tropical America, people used drums to send messages to other tribes who were far away. Such drums were of-ten called ‘talking drums’. They could warn a tribe that a stranger was approaching, or could convey a message from one person to another. Of course, you had to understand the meaning of different beats to understand what the drums were trying to tell you!Drums played an important role, not just in communication, but also in cultural and religious rituals as well.                                


What are hologram movies?

Do you know what holograms are? They are three-dimensional images created by the intersection of two beams of light. Laser beams project these images that look exactly like the real thing. You can see the sides, top, bottom and even the top of an object.You don’t have to wear any special glasses nor need any special equipment see these holograms. Some holograms even appear to move as you walk past them and look at them from different angles. Others change colours or include views of completely different objects, depending on how you look at them. Holograms have other surprising traits as well. If you cut one in half, each half contains whole views of the entire holographic image. The same is true if you cut out a small piece — even a tiny fragment will still contain the whole picture. On top of that, if you make a hologram of a magnifying glass, the holographic version will magnify the other objects in the hologram, just like a real one. A team of researchers at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Centre have already developed the first true, three-dimensional, holographic movie. It is quite possible that a special projector will be developed that will allow you to watch holographic movies at home too. But you would have to wait a few years, for this.

What is digital paper?

 Digital paper is another mind boggling invention for future communications. It looks and feels like ordinary paper, but it is made up of millions of microscopic nano computers which can communicate with a worldwide communication network, change colour, display different pictures at different times, and even act as a speaker!Digital paper will interact with you. It can recognize your handwriting, and understand what you say. It can even be folded up and put in your pocket when you don’t need it!

What is a wrist phone?

Very soon, people will be wearing their mobile phones on their hands in the form of a watch or bracelet. In fact, a product has already been developed that is not only a phone in a watch, but it can also change into standard handset shape! This mobile is called the Wristomo and is an ultra modern mobile which features email and Web access.You might have seen people using their mobile phones to take, send and receive pictures. In the future, a camera phone will allow users to display the images on their own bodies. These phones are already being developed in the form of chokers, charms and chains. Fantastic, isn’t it?

What is VO Wi-Fi?

To understand what Vo Wi-Fi is, you first have to understand two other terms… VoIP and Wi-Fi.VoIP which is the short form for Voice-Over-Internet Protocol is a facility that allows you to talk to people anywhere in the world through the Internet. Wi-Fi, on the other hand provides low cost Internet access through wireless networking. Places from which you can access this wireless network are called Wi-Fi ‘hotspots’.Wi-Fi has a lot of advantages. Wireless networks are easy to set up, and are inexpensive. If you’ve been in an airport, coffee shop, library or hotel recently, chances are you’ve been right in the middle of a wireless network. Many people also use wireless networking to connect their computers at home, and an increasing number of cities use the technology to provide low-cost internet access to residents. Most recently, the ‘next big thing’ has been to merge Wi-Fi with VoIP, producing one of the oddest terms you’ll ever see, Vo Wi-Fi! This stands for Voice over Wireless Fidelity. This simply means a Wi-Fi based VoIP service – or in even more general terms, a wireless based VoIP system.VoIP over Wi-Fi (Vo Wi-Fi) has great potential as a means of reducing telephony costs.