What are hologram movies?

Do you know what holograms are? They are three-dimensional images created by the intersection of two beams of light. Laser beams project these images that look exactly like the real thing. You can see the sides, top, bottom and even the top of an object.You don’t have to wear any special glasses nor need any special equipment see these holograms. Some holograms even appear to move as you walk past them and look at them from different angles. Others change colours or include views of completely different objects, depending on how you look at them. Holograms have other surprising traits as well. If you cut one in half, each half contains whole views of the entire holographic image. The same is true if you cut out a small piece — even a tiny fragment will still contain the whole picture. On top of that, if you make a hologram of a magnifying glass, the holographic version will magnify the other objects in the hologram, just like a real one. A team of researchers at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Centre have already developed the first true, three-dimensional, holographic movie. It is quite possible that a special projector will be developed that will allow you to watch holographic movies at home too. But you would have to wait a few years, for this.