Category Physics

Why is rubber elastic?

    Natural rubber is made up of long chains of the molecule isoprene with a few cross links between the chains. These kinked, looping polymers are intertwined in un-stretched rubber. When these polymers are subjected to a stretching force, the tangled polymer opens up because of the flexible bonds between the molecules and becomes elongated. When the applied force is released, the chemical bonds in the chains try to come back to their original state. This accounts for rubber’s elasticity.

Why is there a disturbance on TV when we operate an electrical switch?

When an electrical switch is operated it produces a spark at the contact point. This spark emits electromagnetic radiation. Since radio and TV signals are also electromagnetic in nature, the bursts of electromagnetic radiation produced by a spark is also received by the radio or TV set. This produces the disturbance which is heard as crackling sounds on the radio and snowy lines on the TV picture.

Why does ice melt when subjected to pressure?

  One of the laws of fusion is that the melting point of substances which expand on freezing is lowered by the increase of pressure, while it is raised in the case of those which contract on solidification. Ice belongs to the first category of substances, that is, it expands on freezing. Ice has an open structure which collapses when subjected to pressure, producing water which occupies lesser volume. That is why ice melts when subjected to pressure.

Why do fluorescent tubes consume less power?

 In filament lamps a good part of the electrical energy is used up in heating the filament which in turn glows throwing light around. While in fluorescent tubes light is produced by electrical discharge in a glass tube, the inside of which is coated with a fluorescent material. The filaments at the two ends are used only to start the discharge. The discharge passing through vapours of mercury produce UV radiations which excites the fluorescent coating producing visible light. Since very little heating is involved in the process and most of the electrical energy is used in producing light, fluorescent tubes consume less power than filament lamps.

Why does the surface of boiling milk rise?

            Milk is a fine suspension of fat and protein globules in a watery liquid containing milk sugar (lactose) and other dissolved substances. Normally the fat is dispersed uniformly in the form of fine droplets and hence remains as an emulsion. But when milk is heated these fine droplets tend to raise up and at temperature of about  form a thick layer of cream on the surface. When milk comes to boiling, bubbles of steam formed at the bottom of the vessel rise up and force the thick creamy layer upwards causing the milk to spill.


Why can’t we write with a ballpoint pen on a smooth surface?

  Ballpoint pens have a tiny ball made of brass, steel or tungsten carbide as their writing tip. The ball is fitted into a socket and is connected to the ink reservoir by a thin tube. When we write on paper, the ball rolls due to friction between the ball and the paper. This rotating movement allows the thick ink to flow out slowly leaving a mark on the paper.

  When drawn over a smooth surface such as glass or plastic there is little friction between the ball and the surface. The ball is unable to rotate and, as a result, the ink cannot flow out. Hence we cannot write on smooth surfaces with a ballpoint pen.