Category Geology

What do we know about the geography of Nagaland?

Nagaland is located on the extreme north east, just below Arunachal Pradesh. The terrain is hilly, rugged, and mountainous. The highest peak is Saramati in the Twensang district, which is 3840 metres above sea level. The average height of the peaks is between 900 and 1200 metres. The hillsides are covered with green forests. In fact, 20 percent of the total area of the state is covered with wooded forest, rich in flora and fauna. The only well known lake is Lacham.The state of Nagaland is drained by four chief rivers of Doyang, Jhanji, Dhansiri and Dikhu. The rivers are the tributaries of the mighty Brahmaputra River, with their sources in the mountain ranges of the state.

Tourism in Meghalaya

Meghalaya is a tourist’s paradise and is home to some of the most pristine forests in India. With its many national parks, deep valleys, arching waterfalls, and charming villages, it is a great gateway destination indeed. Earth, Cherrapunjee, is in Meghalaya. It gets over 11,430 millimeters of rain every year, inundating virtually the entire area for months at a time and tourists flock here for the experience