Category Natural World, Universal Nests, Secret of the World, Life on Earth, Predators, Prey Raptors

Where can we find the perentie, the fastest reptile?

Generally considered the fastest recorded reptile, the perentie, is most commonly found in Australia. It is Australia’s largest lizard, and grows to over 2.5 metres in length. It has a long neck with a stout and robust body, and has a long, tapering tail as well. Perenties have a yellow body, or a cream body with tawny brown rosettes edged in dark brown on their back. They have dark limbs with white spots, with a head and neck that are pale creamy- white with a reticulated pattern of black lines and flecks.

Perenties are found in the arid parts of South Australia, Western Australia, Queensland, and the Northern Territory, where they are usually found around rocky hills and outcrops. They often find their shelter in burrows that they dig themselves. These burrows can be extensive and have several escape exits.

The diet of younger perenties include lizards, insects, and small mammals. As they grow, they will spontaneously attack large venomous snakes, rabbits, birds and their eggs, and even small marsupials such as wallabies. They are rarely seen as they are extremely shy and live in remote areas away from human habitation. They are considered to be a species of least-concern according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

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Yes, and they look after them very carefully. Female crocodiles scoop out a pit in the ground then lay 30 or more eggs there, covering them up with earth or sand. The female will stay nearby, guarding the nest for about three months while the eggs become ready to hatch.

Crocodiles stayed within the egg-laying branch of the family along with alligators, caiman, and gharials who all lay hard-shelled eggs. Sexually mature females over the age of 10 years who have reached a certain trigger weight will lay a clutch of eggs into the soft, cool earth and build up a shallow mound on top of it.

Their eggs are very dependent on the temperature of the ground and so different crocodiles lay their eggs at different times and different places depending on this as a key factor. Unlike birds, crocodile eggs are born unsexed – the sex of the young isn’t predetermined by their chromosomes. It is the temperature that determines whether they grow up male or female. Mother crocs will sometimes build up or shallow out a nest if the temperature varies too much from ideal. It is a delicate business in the wild – but a very useful tool for captive-bred individuals.

How Many Eggs Does A Crocodile Lay?

The crocodiles go for the ‘more is best’ approach to young – laying up to 60+ eggs in one clutchSome larger/older crocodiles can lay many more and younger/smaller females often many less. Regardless of the number, the nest-building process remains the same – with the same digging technique and locations. All the eggs are hard-shelled although they are translucent when first laid, only becoming solid white just before hatching.

Crocodile eggs are about the same size as a large chicken egg but are a different shape. Reptile eggs don’t have one end larger than the other and are certainly not pointed at the end. They are more capsule-like and symmetrical at each end. They are also considerably heavier at around 85g (3oz) – where a large chicken egg only weighs around 57g (2oz).

Where Do Crocodiles Lay Their Eggs?

If you were thinking of going out and finding yourself a haul of crocodile eggs for a feast – the American Alligator is listed as ‘threatened’ by the IUCN – so poaching their eggs without the right permit will be illegal, unethical, and also highly dangerous.

They tend to lay their eggs in March or April and the soft sedimentary or clay soils are easy for mum to dig. A large flat area of earth found in an otherwise leaf and twig-covered woodland area is almost certainly a crocodile nest – but take care – mum is always close by. Predation of crocodile eggs is quite common – with the raccoon being the most likely thief. Other predators might be bears, birds and even other reptiles – so mum is usually watching out for any disturbance.

She has to listen out for the young to start chirping just before they hatch – so if she can hear a newborn crocodile that is buried underground – she will certainly hear you!

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They usually lie and wait in shallow water until animals come to drink. Then they make a sudden lunge, grab the victim with their massive, snapping jaws, drag it into the water and drown it.  Many species are able to kill and eat large mammals such as zebras, wildebeests and humans. Once it has caught its prey, a crocodile will then drag it into the water and drown it. It eats its prey by biting off large chunks of meat and swallows them whole. Other species, such as the Chinese alligator and gharial, feed primarily on fish or invertebrates.

Observing crocodile hunting behaviour is very tricky. These animals hunt by ambush, they eat infrequently because their metabolism is slow, and nearly all hunting occurs at night and/or in muddy waters. Vladimir Dinets, a researcher working at the University of Tennessee, took a new approach. Beyond more than 3000 hours of his own observations, he utilised Facebook and other social media to collect the findings of nature lovers and crocodile researchers, and also reports of spontaneous encounters with crocodiles. Dinets also searched the old notebooks of other scientists. Although this search yielded just a few handfuls of observations, some of which went back as far as the 19th century, all of the observations described the coordination and collaboration between crocodiles for hunting purposes. As numerous people on different continents all described this behaviour in the same way, Dinets found the information dependable. For instance, the crocodiles swam together to drive a school of fish into a tight group, and then took turns grabbing fish from this ‘bait ball’. Another observation involved a large saltwater crocodile that scared a pig, causing it to run into a lagoon where two smaller crocs were hiding and waiting. It is assumed that the large crocodile knew about the two others, even though they were not visible.

All in all, Dinets concludes that crocodiles are – perhaps right behind humans – some of the most expert hunters. At the same time, the scientist admits that we still have much to learn about their behaviour.

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The taipan is a poisonous snake from Australia. It can grow up to three metres long, which is huge for a venomous snake. It belongs to the same family as the cobra, and has venom in its front fangs.

Where do Taipans Live?

Two of the three taipan species are endemic to Australia, specifically in northern and eastern coastal and central Australia. The coastal taipan, however, also occurs in southern Papua New Guinea. They primarily live in deserts, floodplains, grasslands, oil palm plantations, cane fields, dry forests, and savanna woodlands.

There are three species of taipans: (1) the inland taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus); (2) the coastal taipan (Oxyuranus scutellatus) or Papua New Guinean taipan; and (3) the western desert taipan (Oxyuranus temporalis). Table 1 below shows the general characteristics and behavior of each taipan species.

What do Taipans Eat?

Taipan snakes’ diet is primarily composed of mammals such as mice, rats, and bandicoots, with minor variations between inland and coastal taipans. Their hunting strategy also varies. The western desert taipan, however, is not yet fully understood and experts have limited data on its hunting behavior.

Inland taipans feed exclusively on mammals such as long-haired rats and house mice. Those in captivity have been observed to eat one-day-old chicks. When hunting, inland taipans corner their prey in narrow crevices such as soil cracks, then bite them several times in quick succession. Their venom’s high potency allows them to hold their prey while waiting for it to die. This strategy is challenging for some snakes because the prey may retaliate while the venom takes its effect.

Coastal taipans feed on small mammals such as rodents, bandicoots, and quolls. There are also instances where they take birds as food. They begin their hunt by scanning their surroundings for prey using their well-developed sight. Once they have seen their target, they “freeze” for a while, launch forward, then administer their bites once or several times. After the attack, they release their prey and allow it to move away while the venom takes its effect, avoiding any lethal retaliation. The coastal taipan then tracks its dying prey using its tongue.

How Dangerous are Taipans?

The venom of taipans, specifically that of the inland taipan, is the most potent among the snake venoms based on laboratory studies on mice. The inland taipan can produce enough venom to kill 250,000 mice in one bite. However, there has been no record of human fatality related to inland taipan, which can be attributed to its shy and placid nature. In contrast, the coastal taipan has been associated with fatal bites in Australia and Torres Strait in New Guinea.

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If you’ve ever visited the Sunshine State, you can’t miss them. No, we’re not talking about people in flipflops, we’re talking about alligators! They’re big, they’re exciting to watch, and they’re everywhere you look in the Everglades. In fact, as Floridians, we’re used to sharing our gorgeous state with them, and we respect the contribution they’ve made to our home. But what about crocodiles? There are distinct differences between alligators and crocodiles. If you’ve found yourself on an Everglades airboat tour and in a situation where you can’t tell if the animal in front of you is an alligator or a crocodile, here are a few tips to help you differentiate the two.

The Difference Between Alligators and Crocodiles

To most people, alligators and crocodiles look similar. While they do share many of the same features, they couldn’t be any more different to a trained professional. Typically, crocodiles are more aggressive than alligators, which makes crocodiles more dangerous than alligators. Alligators are opportunistic feeders, meaning that they’re not likely to chase you down unless they’re provoked. However, that certainly doesn’t mean that you should swim with them. Caution and common sense should be exercised at all times near and around both alligators and crocodiles on an Everglades excursion.

Physical Differences

The snout shape and jawline are probably the easiest ways to distinguish alligators vs. crocodiles on Miami airboat tours.

Snout Shape: Alligators have a wide, rounded, u-shaped snout, while crocodiles have long, pointed, v-shaped snouts. Believe it or not, the difference in shape means that alligators can exert more strength from their mouths, which is useful in cracking open hard-shelled vertebrates, like turtles.

Jawline: Alligators have a wide upper jaw, which allows for the teeth to remain hidden in the mouth. Crocodiles are different from alligators in this sense, where both the upper and lower jaws of a crocodile are the same size, exposing their teeth as they interlock, creating the look of a toothy grin. From a distance, it’s not too difficult to tell the difference between an alligator and a crocodile when looking at the shape of the snout and visibility of the teeth.

Size and Weight: Both alligators and crocodiles are massive reptiles. Gators can grow to be anywhere between 10 and 15 feet long as adults, weighing in at an average of 500 pounds. As far as crocs, they can reach an impressive 14 to 17 feet and can weigh as much as 2,200 pounds!

Skillset: Both gators and crocs can swim quite well, using their tail to maneuver through the water with ease. They can both also run about 11 miles per hour on land. When submerged in water, both reptiles can hold their breath for up to an hour. With eyes on the top of their heads, they’re tough to surprise. Both alligators and crocodiles are also excellent hunters after dark, as night vision is their forte.

Crocodylidae and Alligatoridae Families

The Crocodylidae family includes 15 species of “true” crocodiles, and the Alligatoridae family contains eight species of alligators and caimans.

Where Do Alligators and Crocodiles Live?

Water: These beautiful animals can be found all over the world – wherever slow-flowing rivers and grasslands dominate that you could see on an Everglades boat . Crocodiles tend to prefer salty waters, while alligators hang out in freshwater marshes.

Geographical Location: Alligators thrive in China and the southeastern portion of the United States, particularly Florida and the states along the Gulf Coast. Crocodiles are native to North, Central, and South America, Africa, Australia, and part of Asia. Interestingly, the Florida Everglades is the only place in the world where both alligators and crocodiles live together.

Meet the Alligators

Are you ready to come face to face with a living dinosaur? You can at Everglades Holiday Park! Our gator park is a premier destination for families, outdoor enthusiasts, and reptile aficionados alike. There’s no better place to experience exciting Everglades airboat tours, live alligator presentations, and Everglades animal encounters with the chance to pose with a baby alligator for a picture. Our park is South Florida’s best family fun locale for adventure.

As home to the Gator Boys Alligator Rescue, Everglades Holiday Park welcomes families, outdoor enthusiasts, and anyone interested in Everglades sightseeing and journeying through the ‘Glades in search of alligators, wading birds, fish, snakes, and more!

Credit : Everglades holiday park 

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Snakes are long, limbless reptiles, living mostly in the warm regions of Earth. They are predators. They kill their prey with poison (known as venom) or by constricting (squeezing) it to death. There are about 2500 species of snakes. Snakes have no ears and sense their prey from vibrations on the ground. They use their flickering tongue to smell. Their eyesight is poor and they can see things only when they are close. About one-third of all snakes are venomous, but few have poison strong enough to harm humans.

Classification of Snakes

Snakes originated from terrestrial lizards in the Middle Jurassic era (174.1 to 163.5 million years back). The oldest discovered snake fossil dates back to 167 million years. The scientific name of a snake is determined based on the characteristics and other factors. Snakes fall under the suborder Serpentes which is why they are commonly called serpents. As mentioned earlier, they are reptiles but with no wings and limbs. All they have is a slender elongated cylindrical body and a tail. This species falls under the same order Squamata of lizards. Hence, the classification of a lizard represents a snake. Due to the evolutionary process, the snakes have lost their limbs and developed various physiological features.

They have undergone simplification and structural reduction. They have also increased a special feature and lost some. Remember that not all limbless reptiles are snakes. There are burrowing lizards that also have lost their limbs due to evolution. The only difference between such lizards and snakes is that the former have eyelids. Snakes do not have eyelids and tend to give a deadly stare. One of the interesting snake characteristics is that it has lost its urinary bladder. Due to its slender body and cylindrical shape, all the organs are elongated and sleek. In fact, the left organs are greatly reduced in comparison to the right organs.

Characteristics of Snakes

As mentioned earlier, snakes are reptiles with no limbs. Some of the species have vestigial traces of hind limbs that show the perfect evidence of evolution. It tells us that they evolved from limbed lizards back in the Jurassic era.

The snake characteristics also tell us that they have horny scales all over the body. The scales and skin are well clasped. They shed their skin a few times a year. A shed skin shows the configuration of the scales perfectly. On the other hand, the number of vertebral discs has increased. It also has developed an organ that secretes venom. It also has developed the tracheal lung as a breathing system.

Another remarkable feature of snakes is that the organs are not oriented bilaterally rather they are placed side by side. The jaws of the snakes are not fixed but are loose so that they can gobble prey larger than their head. The bones in the head also support gobbling prey. The teeth are backwards curved and are fused with the head bones. They do not have any ears, as well as movable eyelids. It means that snakes are unable to receive any sound waves. It can perceive sound waves of frequency ranging from 100 Hz to 700 Hz with its skull bones.

It has a remarkable chemosensory organ developed on the roof of its mouth that receives chemical stimuli from the bifurcated tongue. You will observe that the tongue comes out, lashes a few times, and then enter the mouth to provide the chemosensory information gathered. These are the snake characteristics that distinguish it from the other reptiles. Snakes do not have any vocal cord or larynx to produce sounds but they can hiss.

The Life Cycle of a Snake

As the snake lower classifications suggest, it is a reptile and will lay eggs. Hence, life begins from an egg.

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