Category Elements

How do we describe the elements livermorium, tennessine and oganesson?


                        Livermorium, the element number 116, is named after the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California. The element was first synthesized by the scientists of JINR, Dubna, in 2000. The name was officially given by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry on May 23rd, 2012. An extremely radioactive element, Livermorium can be produced only artificially; and therefore, little is known about it. The element is represented as Lv.



                     Tennessine is a radioactive element. It is artificially produced in a lab. Since the element is not found naturally in the universe, nothing much is known about it. The element is expected to be a solid, but its classification is unknown. In November 2016, the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) approved the name tennessine for element 117, after the American state, Tennessee. The element is represented as Ts.





                       Oganesson is a radioactive, artificially produced element about which little is known. It is expected to be a gas. The atomic number of oganesson is 118, and the symbol is Og.

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What qualities make nihonium, flerovium and moscovium special?


                  Nihonium is an extremely radioactive synthetic element. It is so radioactive that one of its isotopes is reduced to half its initial quantity within 10 seconds! Very little is known about nihonium. It is classified as a metal, and is expected to be solid at room temperature. The first undisputed claim of its discovery was made in 2004 by scientists from Japan. It was in November 2016, that the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) approved the name nihonium for element 113. It is represented as Nh.





                  Flerovium is named after Georgy Flyorov, founder of the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research in Russia, where the element was discovered. Flerovium is a radioactive element about which little is known. There is hardly any use for flerovium, outside experimental interests. The atomic number of the element is 114, and it is represented as Fl.






              A synthetic element, moscovium was first synthesized in 2003. The element is named after Moscow Oblast, Russia, where the element was first synthesized. Moscovium has the atomic number 115, and is represented as Mc.

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What are the element numbers 110, 111 and 112?



                         Darmstadtium is a synthetic element and it has the atomic number 110. The element is named after the city of Darmstadt, Germany, where it was first produced. Prior to its official discovery, darmstadtium’s place on the periodic table was held with the placeholder name of ‘ununnilium’. Its current name was officially assigned in 2003 by the IUPAC. It is believed to have somewhat similar properties to nickel, palladium and platinum. Darmstadtium is represented as Ds.





                   Element number 111 is roentgenium, a synthetic element. It is an extremely radioactive element. Roentgenium is named after Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, the German physicist who discovered X-rays. It was first synthesized in 1994. Roentgenium is represented as Rg.






                      Element number 112 is copernicium, a radioactive element created in a laboratory. Copernicium is named after Nicolaus Copernicus, the famed astronomer. The symbol Cp was initially recommended for element 112, but was rejected, because Cp had once been used as the symbol for lutetium, which, prior to 1949, was sometimes called cassiopeium. Now the element is represented as Cn.


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What are the features of bohrium, hassium and meitnerium?



                   Bohrium is a synthetic element named after Danish physicist Niels Bohr, who was the first scientist to correctly explain atomic structure. Bohrium is one of the later discoveries, as it was not fully discovered until 1987.

                  A German research team under the direction of Peter Armbruster and Gottfried Munzenberg successfully synthesized the element at Darmstadt, Germany. It has the atomic number 107, and is represented as Bh.






                   Hassium is named after the German state of Hesse, home of the German Nuclear Research Institute. Peter Armbruster, Gottfried Munzenberg and their colleagues discovered hassium in 1984, around the same time they discovered bohrium. A Russian team was the first to attempt to synthesize hassium in 1978. However, they were unsuccessful. It has the atomic number 108, and it is represented as Hs.





                Meitnerium is an intensely radioactive synthetic element. It is named after Lise Meitner, Austrian physicist, who first suggested that radioactive atoms could spontaneously split apart releasing energy. Meitnerium was discovered by the same team of German researchers who isolated hassium and bohrium. Its atomic number is 109, and symbol is Mt.

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What are the characteristics of the elements 104, 105 and 106?



                    Element number 104 is rutherfordium. It is named after the great scientist Ernest Rutherford, who was one of the first men to explain the structure of the atom. A synthetic element, rutherfordium is not found in nature in its pure form but is created in a laboratory. The element was discovered by a team of researchers working at the Nuclear Institute in Dubna, Soviet Union. Although the Dubna team had claimed its discovery in 1968, another team at Berkeley also claimed discovery in 1970. Its atomic symbol is Rf.





                  Dubnium is a highly radioactive synthetic metal. The element is represented as Db, and its atomic number is 105. It is named after the Russian town of Dubna, where it was first produced. Dubnium behaves similarly to tantalum, but its chemical  properties have not been fully confirmed.





                     Seaborgium has the atomic number 106, and is represented as Sg. This element is named after Glenn Seaborg, an American physicist, who has significantly contributed to nuclear chemistry.

                     The element was discovered by the scientists at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in 1974. No observable amount of the element has ever been produced, so its appearance, melting point and boiling point are unknown.

                    Due to its limited sample size and rarity, there are no known uses for seaborgium.

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What makes mendelevium, nobelium and lawrencium special?




                           Three great scientists are honoured in the naming of these elements.

                           Mendelevium is a synthetic element named after Dmitri Mendeleev, father of the periodic table. Glenn Seaborg, Albert Ghiorso, Gregory Choppin, Stanley Thompson, and Bernard Harvey synthesized the element mendelevium in 1955. The first sample of mendelevium was only seventeen atoms! Due to its rarity, there are no known commercial applications for the element. The atomic number of the element is 101, and it is represented as Md.






                Nobelium is named after Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite and benefactor of the Nobel Prize. The element was officially discovered in April 1958 by Albert Ghiorso, Glenn Seaborg, Torbjorn Sikkeland and John R. Walton. As nobelium has been produced only in small quantities, its use is restricted to scientific research alone. It has the atomic number 102, and the atomic symbol, No.





                  Lawrencium is named after Ernest Lawrence, inventor of the cyclotron, a particle accelerator, in which radioactive elements are isolated. There are no known commercial uses for lawrencium, as it does not occur naturally. The atomic number of lawrencium is 103, and its atomic symbol is Lr.


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