Why do we burp?

Burp is nothing but your body‘s way of releasing the excess air in your body. When you eat or drink, you don’t just swallow food but also some air. The gases buildup in your stomach as you continue to eat and drink. This excess air comes out of your system in the form of burp. The air from your stomach travels a back up your food pipe-called the oesophagus – to your mouth to be released. Burping is important. If you don’t let the air in your stomach out, it heads down deeper into your digestive system and can cause bloating and discomfort.

Common causes of burping are drinking or eating too fast, talking while eating, or chewing gum. You will probably burp more if you drink fizzy drinks as they contain a lot of gas (dissolved carbon dioxide). Burping is also linked to lactose intolerance, acid reflux and ulcer.

Now, you may wonder why burps make noise! The answer is: As the burp travels of the oesophagus, it hits up against a closed, valve-like structure called sphincter. When it finally forces its way through, the pressure makes the sphincter and the back of the throat to vibrate, causing the burp sound.


Picture Credit : Google

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