The Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing is the largest butterfly in the world with females reaching wingspans of a foot across. This endangered butterfly is restricted to the rain forests of Papua New Guinea. During their caterpillar phase, Queen Alexandra Birdwings feast on the leaves of a poisonous plant species called Pipevine. As a result, they become toxic to predators when they emerge from their cocoons as butterflies.
Tom Diwai Vigus, a Queen Alexander butterfly expert, told Radio Australia that many “disreputable” companies are circumventing regulations governing logging, further eroding the butterfly’s habitat.
SABLs were introduced in 2003 under the government of former PNG Prime Minister Michael Somare. Current PM Peter O’Neill was sworn in August 4 after a protracted legal battle that lasted more than a year. O’Neill has previously launched investigations into Somare’s forest concessions, but a report was tabled in May until elections were settled, according to the Sydney Morning Herald.
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