Since then, astronomers – who study the universe and everything in it, like planets – have used bigger and better telescopes to find rings around all of the outer gas giant planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus. These planets, unlike others in our system, consist largely of gas.

The first theory states that the rings formed at the same time as the planet. Some particles of gas and dust that the planets are made of were too far away from the core of the planet and could not be squashed together by gravity. They remained behind to form the ring system.

The second theory, and my personal favourite, is that the rings were formed when two of the moons of the planet, which had formed at the same time as the planet, somehow got disturbed in their orbits and eventually crashed into each other (an orbit is the circular path that the moon travels on around the planet). 

The other thing that all rings systems share is that they are all made of small particles of ice and rock. The smallest of these particles are no bigger than dust grains, while the largest of the particles are about 20 metres in diameter – about the size of a school hall. All the rings around the planets also contain gaps that are sometimes many kilometres wide and at first nobody could figure out why. We later learned that the gaps were caused by small moons that had gobbled up all the material in that particular part of the ring system.


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