Which are some of the prominent gods of Ancient Egypt?

               The Ancient Egyptians had many gods and goddesses- over 2000, in fact! Unlike other ancient cultures, whose gods looked somewhat like people, most ancient Egyptian gods had animal heads. Ra was the most important God. He was the lord of all the gods, and was usually shown in human form with a falcon head, crowned with the sun disc encircled by a sacred cobra. The king of gods was Amun, and when Amun was combined with the Sun God Ra, he was even more powerful. He was then called Amun-Ra.

               Bastet, the daughter of the Sun God Ra, was the Goddess of Protection and of household entertainment. Thoth was the God of Wisdom, Writing and Knowledge, while Sobek was God of the Nile. Horus was God of the Sky, Geb was the Earth God, and Tefnut was the Goddess of Rain. Osiris was the ancient Egyptian God of Growing Things.

               Sekmet was the Goddess of War and Battle while Anubis was God of Embalming and the Dead. The Egyptians believed that after you died you went to a new world, just like this one, and so they put into your grave everything you would need in the next world.