Though cookies, hot chocolate, eggnog and gingerbread are iconic Christmas treats, the festive season would be incomplete without indulging in some rich plum pudding or cake.
Origin and evolution
Fruit cakes date back to Roman times, where the people prepared a dessert called satura, which comprised barley, dried raisins, pine nuts, pomegranate seeds and mead (wine made with honey). According to reports, the English began making a different version of satura during the Victorian period. This became a popular and an integral part of holiday feasts. They came to be known as plum cakes or plum puddings in England. Some food experts suggest that a version of plum cake has been consumed in England since the medieval period. During this period, there was a popular tradition of observing a period of fast before Christmas. Right before indulging in heavy treats and meals during Christmas, most people consumed a rich porridge that “prepared the stomach for feasting”. This porridge was made of oats, dried fruits, spices, honey and meat. Ingredients such as oats and meat were excluded from the recipe eventually. New ingredients such as flour, eggs and butter replaced meat and oats, paving way for the birth of the famous plum cakes, which are also known as plum puddings or fruit cakes.
Journey across the globe
Plum cakes moved out of England primarily due to colonization. English men working in colonies such as Australia, and the Americas, Canada and India received Christmas gifts and hampers from their families in England. Plum cakes were sent along with these hampers. The locals eventually began making these cakes in their households during the holiday season.
Do plum cakes really contain plum?
Plum cakes and puddings do not contain plum in them, though the name suggests the same. In medieval England, dried fruits such as raisins were generally referred to as plums. This is believed to have given rise to the term “plum cakes”, as dried fruits are an integral part of this dessert.
Plum cakes for all
Plum cakes are prepared and served in different ways across the world. In most western countries, plum puddings and cakes are baked in semi-spherical moulds and are gently set on flame with a spirit while being served. In India, boiled plum cakes are made in households that do not own an oven. In this case, the batter is bound in a muslin cloth before being boiled. These cakes are more dense and fudgy than the baked cakes.
One of the most famous Indian varieties is the Kerala plum cake.
Plum cakes can also be prepared according to one’s dietary requirements such as keto, gluten-free, vegan or dairy-free. There are a wide range of plum cake flavours, including spiced, pumpkin, orange, toffee and ginger.
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