Constellations are areas of the sky, divided up for the purpose of identifying stars, galaxies and other objects in the heavens. Years ago, before telescopes were invented; early astronomers grouped the stars together into patterns, imagining their shapes to look like gods, heroes and sacred beasts from popular legends. The 88 constellations that exist today include 48 known to the ancient Greeks, who inherited some from the Babylonians.
A line running from two stars in the constellation Ursa Major (great Bear) points to the Pole Star, almost exactly due north. Years ago, seafarers used this observation for navigation.
Orion, a hunter in Greek myths is an easy constellation to spot. Three stars in a diagonal line form his belt, while others make up his dagger and shield. The belt stars point down towards Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky. In Greek myths, Centaurus was half man, half horse.
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