A chopper is a customized bike with a low seat, high handlebars and long front forks. The rider leans back, as if in an armchair. Choppers first appeared in the USA when Harley owners chopped up parts of bikes to make much lighter and faster versions.
Amazing! Chopper motorbikes and tricycle motorbikes a popular with motorbike gangs called Hell’s Angels. Hell’s Angels wear all black – black leathers and black helmets.
Is it true? Chopped scooters are used for drag racing.
Yes. A drag race is a race between two motorbikes along a short, straight track. Some drag racers compete on chopped scooters, which are scooters with a beefed up engine and a long frame.
Who reached 345 kph on a Triumph?
Johnny Allen rode a cigar-shaped Triumph bike at 345 kph across the Bonneville Salt Flats in America in 1956. Triumph named their most famous bike the Bonneville after this feat.
Who put three engines on a motorbike?
Russ Collins put three engines on to his Honda drag racer in the 1970s. Drag bikes need a huge amount of power for maximum acceleration, and some models are even powered by rocket engines!
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