What color is an airplane’s black box?

An airplane’s black box is actually fluorescent flame-orange in colour. It is painted bright orange in colour to make them more visually conspicuous in the debris after an accident. It is lettered “Flight Recorder Do not Open” on one side in English and in French on the other side. To assist recovery from submerged sites it must be equipped with an underwater locator beacon which is automatically activated in the event of an accident.

In 1960, Australia became the first country to make flight recorders mandatory in aircraft.

According to Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) rules, from January 1, 2005, it is required of all aircraft including helicopter in India to carry a CVR and FDR for recording digital communications with Air Traffic Service (ATS).

CVR is installed in the aircraft for recording aural environment on the flight deck during flight time for the purpose of accident/incident prevention and investigation.


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