What is the nature of radiation from the Sun?

Radiation from the Sun travels in waves of energy. There are different types of waves depending on wavelength, such as light, X-rays, gamma rays, radio waves etc.

Can all types of radiation from the Sun be detected on the Earth?

We can see light rays and feel heat rays. Ultra violet rays tan our skin.

Radio waves can be detected by instruments. But almost all the other rays from the Sun are absorbed by the earth’s atmosphere before they reach the Earth’s surface and are detectable only by instruments placed on artificial satellites outside the Earth’s atmosphere.






How much matter is converted to energy to produce the Sun’s radiation?

About four million tons of hydrogen is consumed per second to produce the Sun’s radiation which proliferates steadily in every direction.








What proportion of the Sun’s radiation reaches the Earth?

About one billionth of the Sun’s radiation reaches the Earth and the rest streams off into space in all directions.








What is the significance of the absorption of the Sun’s rays by the Earth’s atmosphere?

Some of the Sun’s radiation is harmful to life on the Earth. Hence the Earth’s atmosphere acts as a protective shield by absorbing harmful radiation of the Sun.