Did King Arthur really exist?

                       Although there is little real evidence for his existence, Arthur probably did live in the 6th century. He is thought to have been a Romano-British chieftain who fought several successful battles against the invading Saxons. Despite Arthur’s successes, the British were eventually defeated. Arthur remained a heroic figure of legend, and his story was recounted throughout Europe. The stories of the Holy Grail, the Round Table and the quests of Arthur’s knights are later additions to the myth.




What happened to the Celts?

                        As the invading Germanic people pushed north and west into England, the Romano-British descendants of the Celts retreated into Scotland, Wales and Ireland. However, many of the Celtic descendants intermarried with the invaders and were absorbed by them. The Britons held out for a while under a chieftain who may have been the legendary Arthur. Eventually they held only the mountain areas of Wales and Scotland, while many escaped to Ireland. Ireland preserved an entirely Celtic way of life as it had not been subjected to constant invasions and conquests.

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