Tesla unveils the ‘Tesla Bot’ – an Al-powered humanoid worker robot

The Tesla Bot is a humanoid robot designed to perform tasks considered repetitive or too dangerous for humans. It stands 5’8″ tall and weighs 57 kgs. It can deadlift 68 kgs, reach a top speed of 8 km/h, carry 20 kgs, and lift 4.5 kgs with its arms extended. It has a screen where it displays “useful information” in lieu of a face, along with eight cameras. The robot, code-named “Optimus”, is based on the same chips and sensors that Tesla’s cars use for their self driving features. The bot is at the concept stage currently, but Tesla hopes to unveil a working prototype next year. Tesla CEO, Elon Musk, claims that the robot will have a personality “intended to be friendly, of course”. He also stated that people must be ready for robots to undertake menial chores and, eventually, work alongside them, if not completely replace them in the workplace.

The robots will be designed to handle “tasks that are unsafe, repetitive or boring,” the company’s website reads, but little else, at least at first. (There, the bot is simply called “Tesla Bot.”) “I think essentially in the future, physical work will be a choice, if you want to do it you can,” Musk said.

Musk revealed drawings of the robot near the tail end of his company’s “AI Day” event, where it showcased some of the artificial intelligence and supercomputer technologies that it’s working on with the goal of one day powering self-driving cars. The company also had a mannequin version on the stage, which wasn’t working.

Picture Credit : Google

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