The heat and heavy rain in a rainforest are perfect for living things. Trees grow tall and flowers blossom. The lush rainforest provides food and shelter for the millions of creatures that it is home to.
Rainforests recycle their own water
Every day, the sun heats the rainforest, causing water from trees and plants to evaporate (turn into its gas form – water vapour). As the water vapour rises, it cools and condenses back into liquid water and forms rain clouds. When it rains, the plants soak up rain and the water cycle begins again.
These vines climb up the trees to reach the sunlight.
The rainforest is a complex ecosystem in which living things and non-living things, such as sunlight, interact. Every living thing in the forest depends on other plants and animals for food, shelter or support, like these vines.
There are four layers in a tropical rainforest.
Each layer in the rainforest has different conditions. The animals and plants that live there have adapted to these conditions.
Emergent layer – very tall trees have the most space and sunlight.
Canopy – the leafy treetops make a thick roof over the forest. Most of the rainforest wildlife lives here.
Understory – it is hot, shady and very still.
Forest floor – only a few plants grow in the dim light.