I am a 12-year-old girl and had a crush on my married teacher in my dance class whose age was double of mine. After a few months I got to know that he also liked me but rather than a proposal it was a confession, and considering it as a proposal, I accepted it. Everything was going perfect but my friends began to tease me and sometimes even taunt me; this used to upset me. One day I realized that whatever I was doing was completely wrong. I decided to talk to him about it. He also agreed to finish whatever was going on between us. But I still have feelings for him. I can’t forget him.
Dear Tiyana, at the tender age of 12 you had a “crush” on a married teacher whose age is double yours. You came to know that he also liked you, but did not make a proposal of love to you as he is already married. Your friends came to know about your feelings for your teacher and began to tease and taunt you. Finally you realized that your “crush” for him at the age of 12 was completely wrong and decided to finish whatever was going on between you and him. That was the right thing to do and now it is better that you concentrate on more important things in your life: your family, your good friends and your studies. Time will slowly change your feelings for him.
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