How was the Directory formed?

Things changed in France after Robespierre’s downfall. For instance, the National Convention in the era that followed was significantly more conservative than it had been ever before. The period that followed is often referred to as the Directory era. It was the second phase of the French Revolution.

The members of the Convention worked hard to establish a new constitution. Their efforts found result on August 22, 1795; the convention finally came up with a new constitution. According to the new constitution, the legislative was divided into two houses- an upper house, called the Council of Ancients, and a lower house called the Council of Five Hundred.

The new constitution also designated a group of five officers called the Directory as the executive body of the new government. Although the Directory did not enjoy any legislative powers, it had the authority to appoint people to fill the other positions within the government. The French Revolution itself came to an end when General Napoleon Bonaparte overthrew the Directory on 9th November, 1799.

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