The Internet of Things, or lot as it is popularly known, is becoming a very important part of not only the technology industry, but also our daily lives. And you may be using lot without even knowing it!

What is IoT?

IoT is nothing but the billions of physical devices that are all connected to the Internet. These devices can then be controlled and can communicate information without any help from humans.

The IoT connects “dumb” devices like refrigerators. washing machines or a kettle, to the Internet using software and makes them “smart” loT devices. These loT devices can now collect and exchange data around the world and have some digital intelligence!

Chatting with each other

With loT, devices or machines can talk with each other, or to the people who are controlling them, by messaging over the Internet. This means that these devices can tell other devices, as well as people, if something is wrong with them or they are functioning well.

For example, in loT a car will become smart and can communicate and tell you that it needs petrol.

This has become possible as Wi-Fi networks are very common and devices can now have software to allow Internet access and make use of the Wi-Fi connection. The IoT requires sensors and software to collect data and communicate.

A personal computer or a laptop is not usually considered an loT device. Neither is a smartphone, despite it having sensors.

Aeroplane engine

Large machines, like an aeroplane engine, maybe be filled with numerous smaller loT components and devices, with thousands of them relaying data back and forth and sensors gathering information to make sure it is running efficiently.

loT is here to stay to make your life even easier!

Picture Credit : Google 

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