How can we explain Electricity to kids?

When you turn on a light, ring a doorbell, or plug in a toaster, you start a parade. But it’s a parade you can’t see! It’s a parade of moving bits of energy that are called electrons. Inside every electric wire, there are many millions of electrons. When you press a button or turn a switch, they move through the wire. They make a strong push that gets work done. The energy of the moving electrons is called electricity. It makes the light, the doorbell, and the toaster work.

Electricity is the flow of tiny particles called electrons and protons. It can also mean the energy you get when electrons flow from place to place. Electricity can be seen in nature in a bolt of lightning. Lightning is nothing but a large number of electrons flowing through air all at once, releasing a huge amount of energy. Scientists have also learned how to generate, or create, electricity. This is useful because electricity that is generated can be controlled and sent through wires. It can then power such things as heaters, light bulbs, and computers. Today, electricity provides most of the energy to run the modern world.

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