Colonies and Revolution




What is the Declaration of Independence?

                         The American Declaration of Independence states: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, and that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”. At first, the new American nation consisted of 13 states (this has now grown to 50). It had a president, who would be elected every four years, and was run by a Congress. This same structure exists to the present day.



Why did the Indian Wars take place?

                       The Native American Indians understandably resented the numbers of settlers who swarmed onto their traditional hunting and grazing lands. As the population of the United States grew explosively, the Indians were forced to migrate to the south and west. Eventually they had nowhere left to go, and began to fight back. The US government reacted by forcing the American Indians into reservations on land that was not wanted by the settlers.

                             During the early 1800s many American Indians died in fighting and from starvation and disease. The huge herds of buffalo on which many American Indians depended were wiped out deliberately to deprive them of their food, clothing and shelter.

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