Category Communication

How did ‘Z’ become the last letter of the alphabet?

 The ancient Phoenicians had an arrow-like symbol in their alphabet. It was the seventh letter, and called ‘zayin’. The ancient Greeks adopted this symbol from the Phoenicians as the sixth letter of their alphabet in 8000 BC. They called it ‘zeta’, and gave it its present form. The Romans adopted it from the Greek alphabet in 100 AD, and Z is the last letter of the Roman alphabet to this day. ‘Z’ is pronounced as ‘zed’ by the British and as ‘zee’ in America. If you are sending a Morse code, you will have to send two dashes and two dots to present ‘Z’! Another interesting fact about ‘Z’ is that it was used to represent the Roman number 2000 in medieval times.

What are the flags and badges used by the Indian Navy?

The earlier flags of the Indian navy had the St. George’s Cross on them, and these were changed to an anchor within a frame surmounted by the state emblem, the Sarnath Lion.The navy blue Indian Naval Crest is also found in the flags of flag officers. Admirals fly a white flag with the red horizontal and vertical bars and the chakra in the middle. The flag of the vice admiral is similar to the Admiral’s flag with a red ball added. Rear Admirals, Commodores and senior officials all have their own flags too.   The Navy also its different badges for different positions, gunner, radar plotter, torpedo and anti-submarine officers, survey records, etc.




What are the colours of railway flags?

While traveling by train, you might have seen railway men waving different colours flags at different times. Do you know what they mean? A red flag or a flag of any colour that is waved vigorously means only one thing…. STOP! A yellow flag tells the train driver to proceed with care, while a green, white or blue flag reassures him that it is okay to proceed.  A blue flag stuck on the side of a train means that it should not be moved because someone is working on it. A blue flag on a track means that nothing on that track should be moved. At night, the flags are replaced by lights of the same colour

What are sports flags?

Sports flags, in some form or other have been used in sports for years. They are used by officials to signify to the fans, other players and officials that a rule has been broken. They are also use to communicate drivers during motor sports, and with participants of water sports.  Soccer, rugby and football all have flags that are carried by the linesman and referees to signal when a rule has been broken. Other sports where flags are used are car racing, cycling and yachting rowing go –cart racing, and motorcycle racing. Fans of almost all sports wave flags in the stands to indicate support to their team. Many sports teams and organizations have their own flags. The most famous of these is the flag of the Olympic Games.

Which is the oldest national flag still in use?

Flags have been in use since ancient times, and the oldest state flag still in use is that of Denmark. It has a white cross on a red background, and this cross was later adopted by other countries like Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland.The flag of Denmark is called the Dannenberg which means ‘the cloth of the Danes’ According to Danish legend, the flag fell from the sky on June 15, 1219, to the Danish king Valdemar ll. This makes it the oldest national flag in Europe still in use. The first recorded use of this flag was in the 1300s.