Category Communication

What is Micro Media Paper?

Micro Media Paper is the electronic paper of the future. It will allow entire books to fit on a single sheet using futuristic printing technologies that will allow super cheap colour screens to be produced. In fact, a company called Lunar Design is planning to bring out these ultra thin mini colour screens that would work on replaceable batteries and which can be controlled with touch sensitive buttons

What is telepathy?

Have you ever thought about a friend just a moment before the phone rang? Then, when you picked the phone up, it was the same friend you had just thought about! Is this a coincidence, or could it, perhaps, be a form of communication? Some scientists believe this phenomenon to be a form of communication called telepathy. In telepathy, there is direct transference of thought from one person to another, without using normal sensory channels.  The term telepathy was coined by Fredric W.H. Myers, in 1822, from Greek words tele and patheia. ‘Tele’ means ‘remote’ and ‘patheia’ means ‘to be affected by’.  The field which studies certain types of paranormal phenomena such as telepathy is called parapsychology. They believe that telepathy is a type of communication, which we haven’t completely explained yet. They are studying various reports about telepathy. But a technique, which shows statistically significant evidence of telepathy on every occasion, has yet to be discovered. This lack of accurate and reliable evidence has led sceptics to argue that there is no scientific basis for the existence of telepathy at all. In short, there is no consensus about telepathy. Para psychologists argue that some instances of telepathy are real. Sceptics say that instances of what seem to be telepathy are explained as the result of fraud or self-delusion.

How to decode Morse

Morse code enables letter to be sent, letter by letter, using a system of long and short signals, produced by depressing the key of an electric buzzer or any other continuous tone sound source or by flashes of light from a flashlight or even by puffs of smoke. Dots in the key below represent short signals. Dashes long one.

How does sonar work?

Sonar waves help us to ‘see’ by using sound. A sonar device fitted on a ship sends out sound waves that travel through water. When thesesound waves strike an object, they are reflected back. The reflected waves are received by the ship, and can be used to ‘draw’ an image of the object and its location on a computer screen.Did you know that the word SONAR stands for Sound Navigation and Ranging?

What is the Morse code?

Morse code was a system of signaling in which letters and numbers were sent as short electrical signals which formed dots and long electrical signals which formed dashes.The Morse code was invented by Samuel F.B. Morse, a painter and founder of the National Academy of Design. He conceived the basic idea of an electromagnetic telegraph in 1832, and produced the first working telegraph set in 1836. This made transmission possible over any distance. The first Morse Code message, ‘What hath God wrought?’, was sent from Washington to Baltimore.

What will television be like in the future?

What will television of the future be like? It is quite possible that screens will grow larger and larger even as they grow thinner and thinner. TV sets will have liquid crystal displays like the screens of a hand held computer game. At the same time there will a stunning increase in the number of televisions per household, as small TV displays are added to clocks, and maybe even coffee cups! Who knows… television may even be placed inside books and, before long, books will evolve into no more than hundreds of small flat-screens stapled together!