Category Science & Technology

What is a Mass Spectrograph?

               A mass spectrograph is an instrument used to analyze the constituents of substances. It not only detects different kinds of atoms and molecules present in the substance, but also finds out their relative amounts. By the use of electric and magnetic fields, it separates ions of different masses. Do you know how this instrument works?

               The working of the mass spectrograph first involves the change of the substance into a gas, which is passed into a vacuum chamber. A beam of electrons is bombarded to change the gas atoms and molecules into ions. The ions are then accelerated, by passing them through an electric field. Then the ions are passed through a magnetic field, where they get deflected. The positive ions are deflected one way, and the negative ions in the opposite direction. The amount of deflection is inversely proportional to the masses of the ions. The heavier the mass, the lesser the deflection. This separates ions of different masses. Ions of the same mass and charge stay together. The ions are then allowed to fall on a photographic plate. Different ions hit the plate at different places and as a result, this photographic plate records the amounts of various atoms and molecules. Photographic plate is used to identify different ions which have hit it. From the intensity variations on the plate, we can know the relative amounts of atoms or molecules present in the substance. 

               The mass spectrograph was developed by a British scientist, William Francis Aston. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1922 for this invention. After this, several other mass spectrographs were developed by many leading scientists like Dempster, Bainbridge, Nier, etc but all were just modifications of Aston’s mass spectrograph.

              The mass spectrograph is widely used in geology, chemistry, biology and nuclear physics. It is a very useful instrument for isotopic studies. Aston himself discovered 212 of the 287 naturally occurring isotopes. Mass spectrographs are also used as vacuum leak detectors.


What are Quasars?

In 1960, very strong radio emissions were observed by an American astronomer, Allan R. Sandage to be coming from certain localized direction in the sky. When viewed on the photographic plate, they appeared like stars. But they were not stars, as proved by their other characteristics including a large red shift. The accurate position measurement of these star like objects on optical photographs, led to the discovery of a new class of objects in the universe, the quasars (quasi-stellar sources).

They appear star like on the photograph because their angular diameters are less than about 1 second of an arc, which is the resolution limit of ground-based optical telescopes. Since stars also have angular diameters much less than this, they too appear unresolved or point-like on a photograph.

In 1962 a much brighter star like object 3C273 was identified by Maarten Schmidt with the help of a radio telescope in Australia. Its red shift was found to be 0.158. This red shift turned out to be far larger than any other that had been detected for ordinary galaxies. These observations established the existence of quasars beyond doubt.

Quasars are generally much bluer than most of the stars, except white dwarf stars. The blueness of quasars, as an identifying characteristic, led to the discovery that many blue star like objects have a large red shift, and are therefore quasars. Till today scientists have studied more than 1000 quasars but their nature and distance from earth remain a puzzle.

Quasars consist of a massive nucleus with a total size of less than a light year, which is surrounded by an extended halo of gas excited by the energy radiated by the central object. The central object emits radiation over a wide spectral range. Some quasars emit significant amount of energy at radio frequencies ranging from about 30 MHz to 100 GHz. It is believed that the energy emitted by quasars is gravitational and not thermonuclear in origin. More than ergs of energy are released in quasars over their life-time.

Till to day scientists have not been able to measure the exact distance of quasars from the earth. Various similarities of quasars with radio galaxies strongly suggest that quasars are also active nuclei of galaxies might be associated with the birth of some galaxies. Studies have shown that quasars must have been much more common in the universe about many years ago.


How can we extinguish fires?

          We are all aware of the damage and disaster a fire can cause in certain situations. Now let us see how to control a fire and prevent it from spreading.

          A fire is basically a chemical reaction during which heat and light are produced. Three factors are necessary for a fire to start – fuel, oxygen or air, and heat to raise the temperature of the fuel to its ignition temperature.

          A fire can be extinguished when one or more of these agents is removed, i.e. fuel, supply of air and lowering the temperature of the combustible substance. All fire extinguishing methods make use of these principles.

          The original fire extinguisher, a bucket of water, is still useful in controlling many types of fires. The principal effect of water on a fire is to cool the burning material, thus removing the heat – one of the factors without which combustion cannot continue. It can be applied in a variety of ways such as by flooding the fire with water. Jets of water are used to knock down the flames of fire, and sprays are used to absorb heat and drive back smoke and gases.

           Another common extinguisher is the soda-acid type. It sprays a mixture of water and carbon dioxide on the fire. This is based upon the principle of cooling the burning material and cutting the supply of air by non-combustible carbon-dioxide.

           In this extinguisher a solution of sodium bicarbonate is placed in a cylindrical vessel of steel. Sulphuric acid is kept in a bottle in a small compartment made within the cylinder, near the top. When required, the knob is hit against the floor. This brings the sodium bicarbonate and sulphuric acid in contact with each other. Immediately carbon dioxide is formed and it comes out of the fire nozzle which is directed towards the fire. These extinguishers are useful only for small and localized fires. They are not effective against gasoline, oil and electrical fires.

           Foam extinguishers are based upon the principle of cutting off the supply of air by forming a fire-proof coating of foam around the burning material. In this, a mixture of sodium bicarbonate and aluminium sulphate containing licorice extract is sprayed. It produces foam and extinguishes the fire.

           The other types of extinguishers that are used on oil and electrical fires are: Carbon dioxide extinguishers, dry-chemical extinguishers and vaporizing liquid extinguishers.

           Water should never be used for extinguishing electrical or oil fires. In case of electrical fires, it can cause electrocution. If water is used on burning oil, the oil simply floats on top of water and continues to burn. As the water flows away, it can carry the oil with it and so spread the fire.

           Fire extinguishers are provided by law in all public buildings, factories and schools. Most of the big cities have fire brigades for fire prevention and control.


How does a polaroid camera take instant photographs?

          The polaroid camera is also known as the ‘instant camera’ because it takes pictures and develops them in a matter of minutes. It was invented by Edwin H. Land of the United States and the first polaroid camera was sold in 1948. At that stage, it took only black and white photographs. Later, another camera was built that could take pictures and develop colour photographs.

          Polaroid cameras are loaded with a double picture roll. One part is a negative roll of the film, and the other a positive roll of a special printing paper. Small pods (containers) of chemicals are joined to the positive roll. After exposure to light through the camera’s lens, the negative and positive rolls are made to pass through a pair of rollers that break the chemical pods. The chemicals flow over the exposed portion of the negative roll and develop a negative image on the roll – the parts of the picture that should be black are white, and the parts that should be white are black. More chemical reactions take place between the pod chemicals and the chemicals coated on the positive roll, and a positive photograph is made – the white areas in the photograph are printed white and the black areas black. This process takes about 10 seconds for a black and white photograph and upto a minute for a colour one. 

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Can light travel through wires?

               We all know that electricity travels from one place to another through metallic wires. Can light travel through wires too?

                Light can also travel through wires, but these wires are not made of metals. They are made of glass or plastics. Light carrying wires are extremely thin and are called optical fibres. The branch of science dealing with the conduction and study of light through fibres is called Fibre Optics.

       In 1870, a British physicist John Tyndal showed that light can travel along a curved rod of glass or transparent plastic. Light travels through transparent rods by the process of total internal reflection. The sides of the fibre reflect the light and keep it inside as the fibre bends and turns. 



               The narrow fibres have a thin core of glass of high refractive index surrounded by a thin cladding of another glass of lower refractive index. The core carries light and the covering helps bend the light back to the core.

               Fibres are drawn from thick glass rods in a special furnace. The glass rod of higher refractive index is inserted in a tubing of glass of lower refractive index. Then the two are lowered carefully and slowly through a vertical furnace and the fibre drawn from the lower end is wound on a revolving drum. With this method, fibres of about .025 mm in diameter can be drawn.

               Fibres so prepared have to be aligned properly in the form of a bundle. They should not cross each other; otherwise the image transported by it will be scrambled. They are kept in straight lines. Once the aligned bundle is made, it can be bent or turned in any desired direction. 



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How is talcum powder made?


    Perfumed talcum powder is used by a large number of people throughout the world to protect the skin from heat during the hot summer months. It gives a soothing effect to the skin. Do you know what this talcum powder is?


    It is a fine perfumed powder made from mineral called talc. Talc is the softest mineral known to man. When it is in solid form, it is called soapstone and is usually grayish or greenish in colour, and very soft and greasy to touch. Often it has brown spots. To make talcum, white-coloured soapstone is first ground to a very fine powder. Then this powder is sieved to remove the coarse grains. Desired scents are added to this sieved powder. Finally it is packed in tin or plastic containers for sale. 


          One of the remarkable features of talc is its simple, almost constant composition. It is basically magnesium silicate. Soapstone is often used in the making of household articles because it resists heat and can easily be shaped. Cooking utensils and parts of stoves are sometimes made from it. It is also used in the making of laundry tubs. As soapstone hardens at high temperatures, it is also used for lining furnaces. As it cannot easily be eaten away, slabs of this material are used for acid tanks in the laboratories. It is a poor conductor of electricity and for this reason is used as a base for switch boards and electrical insulation. 

          The best quality talc comes from Italy. Its deposits are found in England, Canada, Germany and Rhodesia. The Atlantic Coast has more talc than all the other countries of the world. About three quarters of the talc processed in the West goes into the manufacture of paints, glazed tiles, ceramic products, paper and rubber.