Category Geology

Who Studies the Earth?

Some of the world’s best detectives are the people who study the earth. They are called geologists.

Geologists help us learn about the earth’s resources and how to care for them. They tell us how to preserve these resources and to use them properly when we must. Some geologists study where to build homes, bridges, and dams safely. These scientists also work to protect people from earthquakes, floods, and other natural disasters.

Geologists may be found chipping rocks on a mountainside or drilling on the ocean floor. Sometimes geologists work indoors. They X-ray rock samples, do research and tests on computers, or make maps of places they want to explore.

Geologists may travel all over the world. They search mountains, swamps, deserts, and the bottom of the ocean, so that we can learn more about the earth. They may tramp through rain forests, go underground into mines, or climb around an icy glacier.

Geologists and many other kinds of scientists uncover the secrets of the earth in different ways. Sometimes such scientists are called earth scientists.

Environmental geologists work to solve problems of pollution. They search for the best ways to get rid of hazardous waste – materials that are dangerous to our health.

Meteorologists study the weather and the air that surrounds the earth. They predict weather conditions.

Mining geologists study the earth’s rocks and ways to remove them.

Mineralogists identify and study the 3, 000 or so kinds of minerals found on the earth.

Petroleum geologists search for oil and natural gas on land and beneath the ocean floor.

Seismologists study the motion of the earth. They watch for earthquakes. Most earthquakes occur underwater.

Geochemists study the chemicals in the earth’s crust, its waters, and its atmosphere and why they are there.

Palaeontologists study fossils of animals and plants to learn about the earth’s past.

There are many kinds of earth scientists, but they have one thing in common. They all enjoy studying the earth and want to uncover its secrets.

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What is Oil?

Maybe you have used oil on your bicycle chain to keep it from squeaking. Did you know that oil was once part of the earth? It starts as a thick dark liquid called crude oil that is found between layers of rock deep inside the earth’s crust. Crude oil is also called petroleum.

Crude oil is a fossil fuel. This means that it started forming millions of years ago from dead plants and animals that had lived in the ocean. Over millions of years, these dead plants and animals piled up on the ocean floor. Thick layers of sand and soil covered them. The sand and soil squeezed together under their own weight and the weight of the water pressing down on them. They were pressed so hard that they turned into rock. Scientists believe that the weight of the rock helped turn the piles of dead plants and animals into oil.

People today use oil for many things. They use oil to heat homes and to run cars, planes, trains, ships, and trucks. They also use oil to make such things as medicines and plastics.

Oil companies get oil by drilling into the earth’s crust. They pump out the oil that is trapped under the earth’s surface. They even pump oil from under the ocean floor.

Because of its many uses, oil has become very valuable. But it takes millions of years for the earth to make more oil, so we need to make sure we don’t waste it.

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What are Fossils?

Imagine a giant dinosaur moving along a lakeshore 80 million years ago. It is searching for food. The dinosaur sees some plants and wades out to them. But before it reaches the plants, it steps into a deep hole filled with soft, wet mud. The dinosaur sinks deeper and deeper into the mud, and the dinosaur drowns.

Over time, the soft parts of the animal’s body rot away. Only its bones are left, covered by mud. For many years, layers of sediment pile on top of the mud and pack it tightly around the bones. Eventually, the packed mud turns to clay. After many more years pass, the clay turns to rock.

During all this time, minerals in the water of the lake fill the hollow places in the bones. The minerals harden and the skeleton of the dinosaur is preserved. The bones in the rock are called fossils.

There are other ways for fossils to be made. And, fossils exist for many kinds of living things – from bugs to plants to woolly mammoths – not just for dinosaurs.

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Why are deserts dry?

Deserts are the driest places on Earth. In some deserts it doesn’t rain for years at a time. In others, it never rains at all. Some deserts are also scorching hot. In the daytime, the sand’s hot enough to fry an egg on.

Can sand dunes move?

Strong winds blowing across the desert pile the sand up into giant heaps, or dunes. The biggest stand 200 metres tall. The dunes creep forward every year and can bury whole desert villages.

Amazing! The Sahara Desert is the biggest, sandiest desert in the world. It covers about a third of Africa.

Are all deserts sandy?

No, they’re not. Only about a quarter of all deserts are sandy. Most deserts are rocky or covered in gravel and stones. Some deserts have high mountains or strange-shaped rocks towering up from the ground.

Is it true? Mushrooms grow in the desert.

Yes. Well mushroom-shaped rocks. They’re carved into shape by sand blown by the wind, like a giant piece of sandpaper.

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Which lake is the biggest?

The biggest freshwater lake on Earth is Lake Superior in North America. It covers 82,350 square kilometres. That’s almost as big as Austria. Lake Superior is one of five huge lakes called the Great Lakes.

Amazing! The Dead Sea in the Middle East is so salty; you can float on the surface. No fish can live in it.

Is it true? There’s a monster in Loch Ness.

Maybe. Some people say Nessie is a type of prehistoric reptile that lives in the lake. Others say this is nonsense. What do you think?

Where is the highest lake?

Lake Titicaca in South America is the highest lake on which boats can sail. It’s 3,810 metres up in the Andes Mountains. People who live around the lake build boats from lake reeds.

How are lakes made?

Some lakes formed long ago, in hollows scraped out by ice. These filled with water as the ice melted. Some lakes form in the tops of volcanoes or when a river cuts through a bend.

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Where do rivers begin?

Rivers begin as fast-flowing streams high up on mountainsides. Some streams bubble up from underground. Others flow from lakes or trickle from the tips of icy glaciers when they start to melt. The start of a river is called its source.

Amazing! The world’s shortest river is D River in Oregon, USA. It’s a titchy 37 metres long. Is the Nile or the Amazon the longest river?

The Nile in Egypt is the longest river on Earth. It flows for 6,695 kilometres. The Amazon in South America is just 295 kilometres shorter.

How high are waterfalls?

The highest waterfall in the world is Angel Falls in Venezuela. It plunges 979 metres down the side of a mountain. Angel Falls are 20 times higher than the famous Niagara Falls in North America.

Is it true? Rivers flow into the sea.

Yes. Most rivers flow into the sea at their deltas. But some rivers flow into lakes and a few flow into deserts.

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