Category Science


The isotope called carbon-14 has a half-life of 5730 years. All living things on our planet contain this form of carbon, but they stop taking it in when they die. Scientists can examine ancient substances to see how much the carbon in it has decayed. They can then give a fairly accurate date for when the substance was alive. This is particularly useful for archaeologists and historians, who can date objects they find, helping to build up a picture of the past.

Radiocarbon dating is a method of what is known as “Absolute Dating”. Despite the name, it does not give an absolute date of organic material – but an approximate age, usually within a range of a few years either way. The other method is “Relative Dating” which gives an order of events without giving an exact agetypically artifact typology or the study of the sequence of the evolution of fossils.

There are three carbon isotopes that occur as part of the Earth’s natural processes; these are carbon-12, carbon-13 and carbon-14. The unstable nature of carbon 14 (with a precise half-life that makes it easy to measure) means it is ideal as an absolute dating method. The other two isotopes in comparison are more common than carbon-14 in the atmosphere but increase with the burning of fossil fuels making them less reliable for study; carbon-14 also increases, but its relative rarity means its increase is negligible. The half-life of the 14C isotope is 5,730 years, adjusted from 5,568 years originally calculated in the 1940s; the upper limit of dating is in the region of 55-60,000 years, after which the amount of 14C is negligible. After this point, other Absolute Dating methods may be used.

Today, the amount of carbon dioxide humans are pumping into Earth’s atmosphere is threatening to skew the accuracy of this technique for future archaeologists looking at our own time. That’s because fossil fuels can shift the radiocarbon age of new organic materials today, making them hard to distinguish from ancient ones. Thankfully, research published yesterday in the journal Environmental Research Letters offers a way to save Libby’s work and revitalize this crucial dating technique: simply look at another isotope of carbon.

Carbon-12 is a stable isotope, meaning its amount in any material remains the same year-after-year, century-after-century. Libby’s groundbreaking radiocarbon dating technique instead looked at a much rarer isotope of carbon: Carbon-14. Unlike Carbon-12, this isotope of carbon is unstable, and its atoms decay into an isotope of nitrogen over a period of thousands of years. New Carbon-14 is produced at a steady rate in Earth’s upper atmosphere, however, as the Sun’s rays strike nitrogen atoms.

Radiocarbon dating exploits this contrast between a stable and unstable carbon isotope. During its lifetime, a plant is constantly taking in carbon from the atmosphere through photosynthesis. Animals, in turn, consume this carbon when they eat plants, and the carbon spreads through the food cycle. This carbon comprises a steady ratio of Carbon-12 and Carbon-14.

When these plants and animals die, they cease taking in carbon. From that point forward, the amount of Carbon-14 in materials left over from the plant or animal will decrease over time, while the amount of Carbon-12 will remain unchanged. To radiocarbon date an organic material, a scientist can measure the ratio of remaining Carbon-14 to the unchanged Carbon-12 to see how long it has been since the material’s source died. Advancing technology has allowed radiocarbon dating to become accurate to within just a few decades in many cases.

Carbon dating is a brilliant way for archaeologists to take advantage of the natural ways that atoms decay. Unfortunately, humans are on the verge of messing things up. The slow, steady process of Carbon-14 creation in the upper atmosphere has been dwarfed in the past centuries by humans spewing carbon from fossil fuels into the air. Since fossil fuels are millions of years old, they no longer contain any measurable amount of Carbon-14. Thus, as millions of tons of Carbon-12 are pushed into the atmosphere, the steady ratio of these two isotopes is being disrupted. In a study published last year, Imperial College London physicist Heather Graven pointed out how these extra carbon emissions will skew radiocarbon dating.

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There are two kinds of nuclear reaction, both of which give off huge amounts of energy. Nuclear fusion happens when two nuclei collide and combine to form one larger nucleus. This gives off enormous power. Nuclear fission happens when neutrons bombard the nucleus of an atom, causing the nucleus to split apart.

In nuclear physics and nuclear chemistry, a nuclear reaction is semantically considered to be the process in which two nuclei, or else a nucleus of an atom and a subatomic particle (such as a proton, neutron, or high energy electron) from outside the atom, collide to produce one or more nuclides that are different from the nuclide(s) that began the process (parent nuclei). Thus, a nuclear reaction must cause a transformation of at least one nuclide to another. If a nucleus interacts with another nucleus or particle and they then separate without changing the nature of any nuclide, the process is simply referred to as a type of nuclear scattering, rather than a nuclear reaction.

In principle, a reaction can involve more than two particles colliding, but because the probability of three or more nuclei to meet at the same time at the same place is much less than for two nuclei, such an event is exceptionally rare for an example very close to a three-body nuclear reaction). The term “nuclear reaction” may refer either to a change in a nuclide induced by collision with another particle, or to a spontaneous change of a nuclide without collision.

Natural nuclear reactions occur in the interaction between cosmic rays and matter, and nuclear reactions can be employed artificially to obtain nuclear energy, at an adjustable rate, on demand. Perhaps the most notable nuclear reactions are the nuclear chain reactions in fissionable materials that produce induced nuclear fission, and the various nuclear fusion reactions of light elements that power the energy production of the Sun and stars.

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Most elements do not change unless a force is applied to them that causes them to join with another element. They are said to be stable. But some elements are not stable. Their nuclei are constantly breaking down, or decaying, as they shed particles in an attempt to become stable. This is radioactivity, and the particles that are given off are known as radiation. Three types of particles are known to be emitted: alpha, beta and gamma rays.

As its name implies, radioactivity is the act of emitting radiation spontaneously. This is done by an atomic nucleus that, for some reason, is unstable; it “wants” to give up some energy in order to shift to a more stable configuration. During the first half of the twentieth century, much of modern physics was devoted to exploring why this happens, with the result that nuclear decay was fairly well understood by 1960. Too many neutrons in a nucleus lead it to emit a negative beta particle, which changes one of the neutrons into a proton. Too many protons in a nucleus lead it to emit a positron (positively charged electron), changing a proton into a neutron. Too much energy leads a nucleus to emit a gamma ray, which discards great energy without changing any of the particles in the nucleus. Too much mass leads a nucleus to emit an alpha particle, discarding four heavy particles (two protons and two neutrons).

Radioactivity is a physical, not a biological, phenomenon. Simply stated, the radioactivity of a sample can be measured by counting how many atoms are spontaneously decaying each second. This can be done with instruments designed to detect the particular type of radiation emitted with each “decay” or disintegration. The actual number of disintegrations per second may be quite large. Scientists have agreed upon common units to use as a form of shorthand. Thus, a curie (abbreviated “Ci” and named after Pierre and Marie Curie, the discoverers of radium (87) is simply a shorthand way of writing “37,000,000,000 disintegrations per second,” the rate of disintegration occurring in 1 gram of radium. The more modern International System of Measurements (SI) unit for the same type of measurement is the Becquerel (abbreviated “Bq” and named after Henri Becquerel, the discoverer of radioactivity), which is simply a shorthand for “1 disintegration per second.”

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A mass spectrometer is a machine that can measure the mass of atoms and so identify them. Mass spectrometry (MS) is an analytical technique that measures the mass-to-charge ratio of ions. The results are typically presented as a mass spectrum, a plot of intensity as a function of the mass-to-charge ratio. Mass spectrometry is used in many different fields and is applied to pure samples as well as complex mixtures.

A mass spectrum is a plot of the ion signal as a function of the mass-to-charge ratio. These spectra are used to determine the elemental or isotopic signature of a sample, the masses of particles and of molecules, and to elucidate the chemical identity or structure of molecules and other chemical compounds.

In a typical MS procedure, a sample, which may be solid, liquid, or gaseous, is ionized, for example by bombarding it with electrons. This may cause some of the sample’s molecules to break into charged fragments or simply become charged without fragmenting. These ions are then separated according to their mass-to-charge ratio, for example by accelerating them and subjecting them to an electric or magnetic field: ions of the same mass-to-charge ratio will undergo the same amount of deflection. The ions are detected by a mechanism capable of detecting charged particles, such as an electron multiplier. Results are displayed as spectra of the signal intensity of detected ions as a function of the mass-to-charge ratio. The atoms or molecules in the sample can be identified by correlating known masses (e.g. an entire molecule) to the identified masses or through a characteristic fragmentation pattern.


The atomic number of an element is the number of protons it contains. For example, hydrogen has one proton, so its atomic number is one. Tin has an atomic number of 50 because it has 50 protons in its nucleus.

Atomic number of a chemical element in the periodic system, whereby the elements are arranged in order of increasing number of protons in the nucleus. Accordingly, the number of protons, which is always equal to the number of electrons in the neutral atom, is also the atomic number. An atom of iron has 26 protons in its nucleus; therefore the atomic number of iron is 26. In the symbol representing a particular nuclear or atomic species, the atomic number may be indicated as a left subscript. An atom or a nucleus of iron (chemical symbol Fe), for example, may be written 26Fe.

The atomic number of a chemical element is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom of the element. It is the charge number of the nucleus since neutrons carry no net electrical charge. The atomic number determines the identity of an element and many of its chemical properties. The modern periodic table is ordered by increasing atomic number.

The atomic number of hydrogen is 1; the atomic number of carbon is 6, and the atomic number of silver is 47: any atom with 47 protons is an atom of silver. Varying the number of neutrons in an element changes its isotopes while changing the numbers of electrons makes it an ion.

The atomic number is also known as the proton number. It may be represented by the capital letter Z. The use of capital letter Z comes from the German word Atomzahl, which means “atomic number.” Before the year 1915, the word Zahl (number) was used to describe an element’s position on the periodic table.

The reason the atomic number determines the chemical property of an element is that the number of protons also determines the number of electrons in an electrically neutral atom. This, in turn, defines the electron configuration of the atom and the nature of its outermost or valence shell. The behavior of the valence shell determines how readily an atom will form chemical bonds and participate in chemical reactions.

At the time of this writing, elements with atomic numbers 1 through 118 have been identified. Scientists typically talk about discovering new elements with higher atomic numbers. Some researchers believe there may be an “island of stability,” where the configuration of protons and neutrons of super heavy atoms will be less susceptible to the quick radioactive decay seen in known heavy elements.


An element is a substance that is made up of only one kind of atom. The periodic table below shows all the elements currently known. However, there are more than 109 different atoms because some elements have more than one isotope.

There are more than 109 different types of atom – one for each element. Differences between the atoms give the elements their different chemical properties. In 2001, there were 115 known elements. However, those above 109 are highly unstable and have been made in only tiny quantities. Scientists are able to make tiny amounts of these new elements in the laboratory. They exist for only a very short time so, whilst they are of scientific interest, they have little practical use in the wider world – at the moment!

Atoms, once thought to be the smallest building blocks of nature, are in fact made of smaller particles. Most often these particles are in balance, and as such the atom is stable and lasts nearly forever. Some atoms are out of balance. This can make them radioactive.

Description: Atoms are made of tiny particles called protons, neutrons and electrons. Protons and neutrons clump together to form a central nucleus. The electrons move in a cloud-like region around the nucleus.

Stable: Most atoms are stable. Their protons, neutrons and electrons balance. Barring outside forces, a stable atom will stay the same indefinitely.

Isotopes: Every atom is a chemical element, like hydrogen, iron or chlorine. Every element has cousins called isotopes. These have a different number of neutrons, but are otherwise the same. Having excess neutrons may make isotopes radioactive.

Radioactive: Some atoms have too many neutrons in the nucleus, which makes them unstable. They’re radioactive, giving off particles until they become stable.

Ions: Atoms with extra or missing electrons are called ions. They have a positive or negative electric charge and are responsible for many chemical reactions.

Antimatter: Every atomic particle has a twin anti-particle, with an opposite electric charge. Antimatter hydrogen atoms have been formed in the laboratory, containing an anti-proton and anti-electron. Antimatter is very rare and fragile.


Each atom has a nucleus containing protons, and all except the hydrogen nucleuses have neutrons as well. Neutrons have no electrical charge, but protons have a positive charge. Moving at high speed around the nucleus are little particles of energy called electrons, which have a negative charge. The number of protons and electrons in an atom is always the same. As opposite charges attract each other, the attraction between the protons and the electrons keeps the electrons around the nucleus, just as the force of gravity keeps the Moon circling around the Earth.

The tiny atomic nucleus is the centre of an atom constituting positively charged particles protons and uncharged particles neutrons.” On the other hand, the extra nucleus part is a much larger region which is composed of a cloud of negatively charged particles called an electron. Electrons revolve around the orbit or centre of the nucleus. The attraction between the protons and electrons holds the structure of an atom together.

Generally, all atoms are composed of these three subatomic particles except hydrogen. Hydrogen is an exception to all atoms as it just contains one proton and one electron but lacks neutrons. The number of protons indicates what element an atom is whereas the number of electrons indicates the type of reactions will happen in an atom.

The atomic nucleus in the structure of the atom is composed of a fixed number of protons and the proton attracts the same number of electrons thereby making an atom electrically neutral. Ions are formed by addition or removal of electrons from an atom.

There is no net charge of an atom. Electrons are the negatively charged particle whereas protons are the positively charged particles. The equal positive charge of the proton and the negative charge of the electron cancel each other. Therefore, the atom has no net charge. In an atom that is neutral, the number of electrons revolving around the nucleus and the number of protons inside the nucleus are equal in number.


The word “atom” comes from an ancient Greek word for a tiny piece of matter too small to be split up. Today we know that even atoms are made up of smaller parts, called subatomic particles. Protons and neutrons are the particles that make up the nucleus of an atom, while electrons can be thought of as circling around the nucleus like orbiting planets. However, these are not the only subatomic particles. Scientists have found hundreds more and are still discovering others by using a machine called a particle accelerator. Quarks, for example, form part of neutrons and protons.

When physicists first collided electrons with protons, they observed that electrons bounced off three small hard cores inside the proton. The cores were then called quarks and it was found to be even smaller particles that make up the proton. Quarks are the smallest particles we have come across in our scientific endeavor. Discovery of quarks meant that protons and neutrons weren’t fundamental anymore.

For more thorough understanding let’s peel apart a piece of matter and discover its constituents by removing each layer one by one. From a bird’s-eye view, matter looks rigid and its properties easily measurable. But even a 6-year-old can deduce that the tenacious pillars of his carefully engineered sandcastle are the sum of billions of microscopic sand grains. What constitutes the sand grain?

Peel another layer and you’ll find a neatly organized structure of atoms. The concept of atoms was first proposed by the Greeks, who believed that objects could be indefinitely split into halves until you were left with a single, indivisible speck of matter. This unimaginably small unit could not be divided further and was, therefore, called an “atom”, derived from the Greek word A-tomos. A for “no” and tomos for “cuttable” or splittable.

 Surprisingly, the theory didn’t fare well. Most of the texts written about elementary constituents were lost and retrieved after multiple centuries. It took almost two millennia for the atom to be was recognized as a real fundamental physical object.

The speculation was finally confirmed in the 1800s when chemist John Dalton conducted a series of ingenious experiments on gases. The average diameter of an atom measured around 50 nano-centimeters – a millionth of a grain of sand. The atom was then the smallest thing known to man.


Matter is the stuff that the universe is made of. The planets, this page, your body and the air that you breathe are all made of matter. Matter itself is made of very small particles called atoms, much too small to be seen with the naked eye or even with many microscopes. The kinds of atom that matter contains and the way in which they are joined together are what determine the kind of matter it is. Matter is a substance that has inertia and occupies physical space. According to modern physics, matter consists of various types of particles, each with mass and size.

The most familiar examples of material particles are the electron, the proton and the neutron. Combinations of these particles form atoms. There are more than 100 different kinds of atoms, each kind constituting a unique chemical element. A combination of atoms forms a molecule. Atoms and/or molecules can join together to form a compound.

Matter can exist in several states, also called phases. The three most common states are known as solid, liquid and gas. A single element or compound of matter might exist in more than one of the three states, depending on the temperature and pressure. Less familiar states of matter include plasma, foam and Bose-Einstein condensate. These states occur under special conditions.

Different kinds of matter can combine to form substances that may not resemble any of the original ingredients. For example, hydrogen (a gaseous element) and oxygen (another gaseous element) combine to form water (a liquid compound at room temperature). The process of such combination is called a chemical reaction. A chemical reaction involves interactions between the electrons of the atoms, but does not affect the nuclei of the atoms.

In some situations, matter is converted into energy by atomic reactions, also known as nuclear reactions. This type of reaction is fundamentally different from the chemical reaction because it involves changes in the nuclei of atoms. The most common example of an atomic reaction is the hydrogen fusion that occurs inside the sun. The immense pressure inside the sun, and inside other stars, forces atoms of hydrogen together to form atoms of helium. In this process, some of the mass is converted to energy according to the formula=

E = mc 2

Where E is the energy in joules, m is the mass in kilograms, and c is the speed of light, which is approximately 2.99792 x 10 8 meters per second in a vacuum.


Some scientists do wear white coats and work with test tubes, but many do most of their work in the world outside. A geologist, gist, for example, may have to clamber a cliff face to obtain samples of rock. Not all scientists wear white coats and work in labs. There are a wide variety of jobs and careers that require knowledge and application of science, from research to business and from regulation to teaching.

The Business Scientist underpins excellent management and business skills with scientific knowledge, supporting evidence-led decision-making within companies and other enterprises. This type of scientist has the scientific and technical knowledge to be credible with colleagues and competitors, as well as confidence in a business environment. They are found in science and technology companies in a wide variety of roles, from R&D or marketing, and to the C-suite itself.

The Developer, or translational, Scientist uses the knowledge generated by others and transforms it into something that society can use. They might be developing products or services, ideas that change behaviour, improvements in health care and medicines, or the application of existing technology in new settings.

They are found in research environments and may be working with Entrepreneur and Business scientists to help bring their ideas to market.

The Entrepreneur Scientist makes innovation happen. Their scientific knowledge and connections are deep enough to be able to see opportunities for innovation – not just in business, but also in the public sector and other sectors of society.

They blend their science knowledge and credibility with people management skills, entrepreneurial flair and a strong understanding of business and finance, to start their own businesses or help grow existing companies.

The Explorer Scientist is someone who, like the crew of the Enterprise, is on a journey of discovery “to boldly go where no one has gone before”. They rarely focus on a specific outcome or impact; rather they want to know the next piece of the jigsaw of scientific understanding and knowledge. They are likely to be found in a university or research centre or in Research & Development (R&D) at an organisation, and are likely to be working alone.

The Regulator Scientist is there to reassure the public that systems and technology are reliable and safe, through monitoring and regulation. They will have a mix of skills and while they may not get involved in things like lab work, they will have a thorough understanding of the science and the processes involved in monitoring its use or application. They are found in regulatory bodies, such as the Food Standards Agency, and in a wide range of testing and measurement services.

The Technician Scientist provides operational scientific services in a wide range of ways. These are the scientists we have come to depend on within the health service, forensic science, food science, health and safety, materials analysis and testing, education and many other areas. Rarely visible, this type of scientist is found in laboratories and other support service environments across a wide variety of sectors.

The Investigator Scientist digs into the unknown observing, mapping, understanding and piecing together in-depth knowledge and data, setting out the landscape for others to translate and develop. They are likely to be found in a university or research centre or in Research & Development (R&D) at an organisation, working in a team and likely in a multi-disciplinary environment.