Category How does It works, How things work, How is it done, Curiosity

How do you develop black and white film?

Developing the first stage in film processing amplifiers the chemical changes begun by the light. It is done in the dark as the film is still light-sensitive.

In the darkroom, the film is immersed in developer, a fluid chemical mixture that reveals the image as a negative, so called because it is darkest where most light has reached the film. This is because the developer reduces the exposed silver halide grains to fine particles of metallic silver, which appear black. Before the developed film can be handled in the light, it has to be fixed – that is, unexposed silver salts are removed by immersing it in a chemical such as ‘hypo’ (sodium thiosulphate).

To make the negative into a positive print of the original scene, it is put in an enlarger and focused on silver halide coated light-sensitive printing paper. The enlarger projects the negative image on the paper at the size required, the exposes it to light. The paper retains the image in the same way as the film, but the darkest parts of the negative let through the least light, so the original light pattern is re-created. After exposure, the print is developed and fixed in a similar way to the negative.


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How a film works?

The film that captures the light rays is a strip of transparent plastic (polyester or triacetate) covered with a light sensitive coating. The coating is a compound of silver salts and a halogen element forming tiny silver halide grains, suspended in gelatine. Exposure to light makes the silver halides start to break down, to eventually form an image in silver.

For the best result, there must be exactly the right amount of light. Too little will result in underexposure, lacking detail because the print or slide is too dark. Too much will produce an overexposed result, lacking detail because it is too light.

Films with large light sensitive grains are quicker to react and are termed fast films. Slow films have small grains and need extra light for exposure. Films are graded for speed on the ISO (International Standards Organisation) scale. The higher the ISO number, the faster the film.


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How a camera captures a fleeting moment?

With a modern camera, you need do no more than press a button to take a photograph – to snap the action of a sporting event or record the beauty of a prizewinning rose, for example –and make a permanent record of a fleeting moment.

Technology has taken the guesswork out of the picture taking, there are now computerized automatic cameras that focus themselves, set their own controls, and wind-on the film after each shot. In contrast there are also simple throwaway cameras that are disposed of once the film has been processed.

All cameras, no matter how sophisticated or how simple, work in much the same way. When you click your camera to take a picture, you are opening the shutter for a brief moment to let light through the lens to a dark interior. In this moment, the light rays from an inverted image of the scene in front of you on the light-sensitive film at the back of the camera.

Processing the film completes the chemical changes begun by the light striking the film, and printing the film provides a pictures of the scene you snapped.


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How do printers make colors?

Sunlight is broadly made up of the three primary colours of light: blue, green and red. All colours can be made by different mixtures of the three. Pairs of primary colours produce secondary colours: magenta (blue and red), yellow (green and red), and cyan (green and blue). If secondary colours are paired, they produce the primary colours. Magenta and yellow make red, cyan and yellow make green, cyan and magenta make blue. Each of the six colours takes no part in making up the colours opposite to it in the charts. Blue and yellow are ‘opposites’, so are green and magenta, and red and cyan.

Negative and print

A colour film has three layers, each sensitive to one of the primary colours. When a photograph is taken, each layer records a primary colour but forms an image in dye of the opposite colour to the primary.

The negative is then printed by light in a darkroom on paper that contains similar colour-sensitive layers. When normal light passes through the blue wheel on the negative, the yellow dye blocks the blue rays but lets through the red and the green. The paper records the red and green cyan and magenta dyes (their ‘opposites’). When you look at the photograph the combination of cyan and magenta appears blue. All the other colours are produced in the same way.


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How camera uses light?

When you take a photograph the subject that you see through the viewfinder is recorded on the film during the brief moment that the shutter opens to let in light through the lens. The film is coated with an emulsion that is chemically affected by light. ‘Fast’ films are more sensitive to the light than ‘slow’ films, so can be used in duller conditions. The speed of the film is indicated on the box and the spool by the ISO number. The higher the number, the faster the speed.

The camera lens concentrates light from the subject of the photograph and projects an inverted image of it onto the film at the back of the camera.

The diaphragm has overlapping leaves that form an aperture which can be made larger or smaller. A big aperture lets more light enter the camera.

A common type of shutter has two blades that open to form a slit that crosses the film. The smaller the slit, the faster the shutter speed.


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How did a beeper work?

Busy executives and technicians can carry their own personal buzzer – rather like a pocket electric bell – to warn them which they are wanted. Doctors on their rounds in a sprawling hospital, for example, can be called to a particular ward, or firemen on routine duty to a fire alert.

The pocket alarm, known as bleeper (or beeper) because of the sound it emits, to a battery-powered miniature radio receiver turned to one station. The bleep is made by a tiny crystal that vibrates to produce sound when electric signals are passed to it. The signals are generated in the bleeper’s electronic circuits, triggered by a radio signals transmitted at the touch of a button from the control unit.

The simplest bleeper can emit several different signals, rather like the dots and dashes of Morse code. Four long bleeps, for example, could mean ‘Ring the office’, or interspersed long and short ones ‘Come to reception’. More advanced types can display short message, or can store messages.

The system is known as radio-paging. A small network can call up to about 100 receivers, either separately or simultaneously in a group. Each receiver has a number, and the controller makes contact by sending the receiver number and then the required message.

Long-range paging services are operated by commercial companies who transmit messages to their subscribers’ bleepers from a control room. The world’s largest paging network is operated by British Telecom, who have transmitters covering various zones throughout the country.

Radio-paging systems all have to be licensed, and are allocated a frequency, generally around the 27mHz waveband in Australia. The operating range varies according to the power of the transmitter but could be 100 miles (160km).


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