Category Environtal Studies

How do we define the term food chain?

 In ecology, a sequence showing feeding relationship between organisms in particular ecosystem is known as food chain. Each organism depends on the next lowest member of the chain for its food. For example, grass is eaten by a deer and deer is eaten by a lion. Other examples of food chains are algae-duck-otter and flower-butterfly-lizard-snake-peacock.

What are omnivores?

 Living beings which eat both plants and animals are called omnivores. Omnivores have digestive adaptions intermediate between those of herbivores and carnivores. They can digest variety of food stuffs. Human beings are omnivorous, because they eat meat, fish, vegetables and fruits. Other omnivorous animals are rats, pigs, bear and certain birds. 

What are carnivores?

The livings being which eat other animals are called carnivores such as lion bear, cat, dog, wolf, weasel etc. Carnivores have special teeth for tearing and chewing flesh. In other words all flesh eating animals are carnivores. They also produce special enzymes for digesting meat. 

What are carnivorous plants?

Apart from animals, there are some plants that capture insects for food. They are called carnivorous plants. Since they cannot prepare their own protein, they get it by eating worms and insects. Venus fly trap, pitcher plant, sundew plant etc. are some examples of carnivorous plants. Similarly a plant called ‘Indian pipe’ is found in the hills of Shimla also eats insects. 

What are herbivores?

Living beings which consume only plants are called herbivores. We sometimes call them vegetarians. Well-known herbivores are rabbits, deer, cows, sparrows, squirrels and honeybees. They have specially designed teeth and produce special enzymes to digest plant matter.




What are the four elements of an ecosystem?

The four elements of an ecosystem are: (a) The non-living environment, (b) Producers (green plants), (c) Consumers and (d) Decomposers. The non-living environment of an ecosystem includes sunlight, water, oxygen, minerals, dead plants and animal matter. The producers of an ecosystem are green plants. Animals, both herbivorous and carnivorous are the consumers of an ecosystem. Decomposers are bacteria, fungi and insects that decompose dead plants and animals.