Category Zology

Why is the bonobo special?

            The name bonobo many sound really cute to many of us, but the lives of these animals are anything but cute. A bonobo is an endangered animal that can be seen only in the jungles of the Democratic Republic of Congo, in Africa.

            They are also known by the names pygmy chimpanzees and gracile chimpanzees. The animal is distinguished by its long legs, dark face, pink lips, and parted long hair. In general, they are known to be peaceful primates, living in groups led by females.

            Along with common chimpanzees, bonobos are also very close relatives of human beings, and are of high intelligence.

            Although there isn’t much data, the remaining population of bonobos is thought to be something between 29,500 and 50,000. Hence, they are classified as endangered by the IUCN Red List.

            By now, you must be aware that almost all the species that are endangered, consider humans as their biggest threat. It’s not different in the case of bonobos either.

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Why is the hawksbill sea turtle a rare sight?

            A hawksbill sea turtle is one of the most critically endangered species found in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Generally, these aquatic beings spend most of their time in shallow lagoons and coral reefs, feeding on sponges, sea anemones and jellyfishes.

            The appearance of a hawksbill turtle is similar to that of other marine turtles. They have narrow, pointed beaks and distinctive patterns of overlapping scales on their shells. It is said that depending on the temperature of the water, the shells of these turtles change colour, making them a highly valuable species.

            A hawksbill sea turtle is now a rare animal, merely because of human activities. They are widely hunted for meat, as well as for other purposes. In many parts of the world, they are still seen as delicacies. Another reason for their exploitation is the attractive shells of hawksbill turtles, which have largely become materials for decoration and jewellery-making. The existence of these turtles is also threatened by heavy pollution in water and loss of nesting areas due to coastal development.

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Why the red wolf is considered an endangered animal?

            The red wolf or the Florida wolf is one of the two species of wolves native to the Eastern United States. The other one is the gray wolf. The name red wolf comes from the reddish colour of the animal’s fur. Otherwise, these wolves are mostly brown and buff coloured. They are highly social animals living in packs, known to avoid humans and human activities. Raccoons, rabbits, white-tailed deer, nutria, and other rodents form their main diet.

            Red wolves are in the news often because of their decreasing number. It is one of the critically endangered species in the world, as classified by the IUCN Red List in 1996.

            Red wolves started disappearing by the 1990s. The belief that red wolves cause cattle loss is widespread, and this has resulted in indiscriminate killing of these animals in remote areas. Land clearing, hunting, logging, road development, mineral exploration, etc., too have affected this helpless species.

            The current wild population of red wolves is at its worst ever – there are less than 100 left.

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Why is the aye-aye special?

            An aye-aye may not sound like a living thing, but it is in reality, a lemur that is native to Madagascar. The appearance of this creature is as strange as its name. At first glance, it seems to be a rodent, but in fact, it is a primate.

            The name aye-aye, was given by French naturalist Pierre Sonner-at in 1782, while describing the lemur. This primate comes in dark brown or black colour, and has a bushy tail that is larger than their body.

            The species was thought to be extinct in 1933. In 1957, they were rediscovered. Currently, aye-ayes are the largest and the most endangered nocturnal primates classified by the IUCN Red List.

            There are many reasons for the fall in their numbers. One of them is superstition. There is a belief in Madagascar that an aye-aye brings bad luck. For this reason, many of these animals are mercilessly killed on sight. Then of course, they are hunted down, and their habitats destroyed to meet man’s selfish needs.

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Why is it said that chinchillas are endangered animals?

            As adorable as their name, chinchillas are rodents seen in the Andes Mountains of Northern Chile. These beautiful creatures are best known for their soft, velvet-like fur.

            But sadly, the same feature has taken them close to extinction. They are one of the most critically endangered species on Earth, as classified by the IUCN Red List.

            The population of wild chinchillas has been in danger for at least a hundred years. Previously, they were found extensively in the coastal regions, hills and mountains of Chile, Peru, Argentina, and Bolivia. But poaching, hunting, habitat destruction, deforestation etc have strictly confined the animals to the very few regions where they are now seen.

            In 1920, legal measures were framed by the countries to protect the species. However, they still don’t help as required. Poaching for fur has been the greatest threat before chinchillas.

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Why is the golden lion tamarin special?

            The golden lion tamarin or golden marmoset is one of the rarest animals in the world, native to the Atlantic coastal forests of Brazil. It is a peculiar, tree-dwelling monkey with a small rounded head that is surrounded by a thick, golden mane. Its body and tail are covered with long silky hair that comes in pale blonde to reddish golden colour.

            After observing a   shrinking population, the IUCN Red List classified the golden lion tamarin as an endangered species. Subsequently, a few wildlife organisations started reintroduction programmes from 140 zoos worldwide.

            Although it was a success, the population of the monkeys is still not out of danger. Due to logging, agriculture and industry-expansion, the rain forests of Brazil are disappearing.

            That means that the habitats of the golden lion tamarins are being destroyed. Yet another challenge the species face is the illegal pet trade. With all these, the estimated wild population of this golden animal is thought to be less than 3500.

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