Category Biology

What is de-extinction?

You must have heard of the term extinction. A species is declared extinct when the last member dies and no individual from that species exists anywhere on our planet. Local extinction refers to a species disappearing from one region, including a country. But have you heard of de-extinction? Come let’s find out what it is and what its implications are also known as resurrection biology, de extinction refers to the process that attempts to recreate extinct species through technology. Since these species no longer exist the new ones will be “new versions of the species. For the last few years, one of the main species in the news for de-extinction has been the woolly mammoth. A project seeks to create “a cold-resistant elephant with all of the core biological traits of the woolly mammoth, and will use the African elephant as the host. With the creation of this new version, the project also hopes the ecosytem that the animal inhabited can be improved – the Arctic tundra, now dominated by the threat of melting permafrost. Many view de-extinction as an opportunity to right the wrong humanity has meted out to wildlife. It is also seen as a first step towards safeguarding endangered species and those on the brink of extinction. The process can also be a chance for humans to learn about the crucial role wildlife plays in our planet and be sensitive towards them. But, de-extinction is not without concerns. The chief worry is the question of ethics – the new versions of species will be a product of humans and not nature. Also, if humans start creating plants and animals, is it far-fetched to think they could end up creating even humans in the future? And, there’s the financial aspect. Bringing back an extinct species costs money-a lot of it. It could rather be spent on safeguarding threatenend species, educating people on wildlife protection, creating a greener planet, etc.

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What are pioneer species?

Pioneer species include lichens mosses, fungi, and microorganisms such as bacteria. They reproduce and grow very fast establishing themselves before other competitors arrive. They are instrumental in building an initial biological community which will gradually enable other species to thrive.

Picture this. A newly created barren ecosystem or a barren disturbed environment. Not many organions can grow in these harsh, sterile environments. But a pioneer species can and hence the name. They are the pioneer or harbingers of life

The first species to colonise a newly created environment or recently disturbed environment is called a pioneer species.

These important species are the first to colonise barnos ecosystems. They are hardy and help in the recovery of an environment or ecosystem if it has been disturbed by cos such as deforestation or wildfires. They make the environment more hospitable for later species to thrive like helping enrich the ecosystem with nutrients

As they are the first to arrive they need to survive the harsh, barren ecosystem. As such, they are mostly photosynthetic can withstand harsh environments, mature early, or may even be capable of producing and dispersing a large volume of seeds. The seeds may be capable of surviving long periods of dormancy Pioneer species have many similar adaptations that help them colonise hostile environments.

They may be capable of germinating growing and reproducing quickly and also create a large range of offspring. For this, they might depend on asexual modes of reproduction or wind-dispersed pollen and seeds

Pioneer species include lichens, mosses, fungi and microorganisms such as bacteria. They reproduce and grow very fast, establishing themselves before other competitors arrive.

They are also instrumental in building the initial biological community. As time passes by, new entrants such as plants, animals and other organisms will arrive and outcompete them, changing the dynamics and structure of the biological community.

They are versatile and play an important role in ecosystem recovery and growth. They prepare the disturbed ecosystem or new ecosystem for complex communities.

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Which animal is covered with scales?

In the animal kingdom, you will see that there are animals and insects with scales or shells. These help the animals protect themselves from predators. Animals both on land as well as in sea can have scales or shells. Let us take a look at some such animals.


The Gila monster is a tough, heavily bodied lizard whose body is covered with beadlike scales called osteoderms. The scales cover all of its body except the belly. The lizard is known for its strong and venomous bite. When it bites its prey, the lizard doesn’t loosen its grip for several seconds and this allows the venom to flow into its prey. These lizards live in desert and semi-desert areas and are large-bodied, with short, fat tails.


Solitary, nocturnal creatures, pangolins are known for their body covered in an armour of scales. These scales help in protection. When threatened, the pangolin will use its front legs to cover its head and expose its scales. It can roll itself into a ball when it is touched. Pangolins are called scaly anteaters because of their diet which includes ants, termites, and larvae. They have no teeth and use their tongues to gather food. They live on the ground while some can climb trees. As many as eight species are found, with a distribution of four species each in Asia and Africa.


 Sea urchins are spiny marine invertebrate animals. These sea animals live in tidal areas and the deep ocean and are seen on the seafloor. They are noted for their round-shaped spiked shell called “test”. They move across the ocean floor using their tube feet, which are small anatomical features seen on their undersides. The spines stretch out of the test and are used to move when they come across obstacles such as rocks. The largest urchin is the Sperostoma giganteum and is seen in Japan. As many as 950 species of sea urchins exist.


Armadillo is Spanish for “little armoured one”. The name refers to the bony, armour-like plates that the animal has. The set of plates covering the animal’s body is called the carapace. An animal found in the tropical and subtropical regions of Central and South America, the armadillo lives in open areas such as grasslands while some live in forests. In all, over 20 species of armadillo exist. Did you know that two species of armadillo are able to roll up completely into a ball? The animal uses this technique to protect itself.


With an extremely tough outer shell that justifies their name, the diabolical ironclad beetles are considered to withstand a lot of pressure and are almost unbreakable. The outer wing case of these beetles are called elytra. They inhabit the woodlands of western North America. They live under tree bark and cannot fly. Their elytra is fused together tightly and from a shield. When compression tests were carried out by scientists to test how much force the shield could withstand without cracking, it was found that force up to 149 newtons could be withstood by their shields.


The Longhorn cowfish is known for its uniquely shaped body. Its cubical body is encased in a protective hard shell called carapace and is made up of hard, bony plates. It is a solitary species and is found among seagrasses, reefs, harbours, estuaries, and so on. Its tiny fins and tail jut out from its shell. It received its name from the pair of horns that project from its eyes.

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Do identical twins have the same fingerprints?

And how are our fingerprints determined? Read on to know the answers

Identical twins form when a single fertilized egg splits into two. Therefore they have the same genetic make-up and their DNA pattern is indistinguishable. Their fingerprints have similar patterns of whorls and ridges, but there are slight differences.

This is because genetics is not the sole determining factor in the development of fingerprints. Fingerprints are determined by the interaction of an individual’s genes with the environment in the womb and factors such as nutrition, position in the womb and the growth rate of the fingers. No two persons can have the same fingerprints.

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The science behind pronghorn’s speed

When we think of very fast land animals, the first one that comes to our mind is perhaps the cheetah. Why not? It is the fastest land animal! Do you know which one is the second fastest? The pronghorn. And, the theory behind how it developed such. speed is fascinating. Let's find out more about the animal and its sprinting capacity.

A hoofed mammal, the pronghorn is native to North America, and does not have any close relative anywhere in the world. Healthy populations of the animals exist in their range and are listed under 'Least Concern' in the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species. Though it looks a lot like an antelope, the herbivore belongs to its own taxonomic family called Antilocapridae. Pronghorns get their name from the forward-facing projection – the prong on their horns. Interestingly, their ‘horns’ exhibit characteristics of both a horn and an antler. The sheath of its horn is made of keratin, the substance horns are made of. But, these horns are forked and shed every year-just like antlers are! While much can be written about what else is unusual about the pronghorn, its most unique characteristic is its speed.

Running at more than 80 kmph, the pronghorn is the fastest land mammal in its entire natural range- from Canada through the US to Mexico in one aspect, it even gets better than the African cheetah-it can maintain a fast speed for a longer period of time than those carnivores. But the pronghom has no natural predator to match this speed, and so scientists had been stumped by the need for this speed. This is where the science of evolution comes in.

According to a study published recently, during the Ice Age, North America was home to several mammals that no longer exist today. Some of them are well-known today – woolly mammoths, giant sloths, and saber-toothed cats. There were lesser-known ones too, such as ‘Miracinongs’ a cheetah-like cat. The skeletal remains of ‘Miracinonyx’ show that “this now-extinct cat shares the morphological characteristics that indicate high speed capabilities with its African counterpart, the cheetah (Acinony)”. It is a close relative of the puma and the African cheetah. Both puma and ‘Miracinonyx’ are native to North America. Results provide support to "the hypothesis that ‘Miracinonyx’ preyed upon Antilocapra, but not exclusively”. Though it is not seen as conclusive evidence and more study is required, scientists say this "may provide an explanation for why pronghorns are so fast. Maybe they were chased by cheetahs after all".

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Glass frogs have a secret!

Glass frogs live on trees, are active at night, and many of them are difficult to spot because of their green skin that merges well with their environment. “But these amphibians become true masters of camouflage during the day when they’re asleep.” How? Come, let’s find out.

When glass frogs rest or sleep, their muscles and skin turn transparent. So, whats visible are their eyes, bones, and internal organs. It is hard to spot them because they sleep on the bottoms of huge leaves and also blend well with the environment due to their transparency. But, how do they turn transparent, and what about the visibility of blood? Red blood cells absorb green light (the colour of light usually reflected by plants and other vegetation), and reflect red light. This makes blood highly visible, especially against a bright green leaf. In the case of glass frogs, though, something extraordinary happens.

A research team recently “observed that red blood cells seemed to be disappearing from the circulating blood” when the frogs rest. They conducted additional imaging tests on the animals, proving via optical models that the animals were able to achieve transparency because they were pushing red blood cells out of their vessels. It was suspected that the cells were being stored in one of the frog’s inner organs. which are packaged in a reflective membrane.

To find out where exactly the blood was going, scientists used a non-invasive imaging technology called photoacoustic microscopy (PAM). And the result was startling. The primary result is that whenever glass frogs want to be transparent, which is typically when they’re at rest and vulnerable to predation. they filter nearly all the red blood cells out of their blood and hide them in a mirror-coated liver – somehow avoiding creating a huge blood clot in the process.” When the frogs “are awake, stressed or under anaesthesia their circulatory system is full of red blood cells and they are opaque”. This unique capacity would explain why there are hardly any other land-based vertebrates that can achieve such transparency.

Also, in “most animals, pooling blood together leads to clotting which can be life-threatening, for example = leading to heart attacks in humans”. So, studying these amphibians can even help us understand blood clotting better.

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