Category Famous Personalities

How did Gandhiji overcome the initial difficulties in England?

          In simple words, Gandhiji overcame these initial difficulties with sheer willpower. He made efforts to blend into the ways of English society.

          He tried to modify his attire. He even asked his brother to send him a gold watch and made changes in his hairstyle by parting it. Gandhiji also collected a top hat, evening suit and walking stick.

          Can you believe that in spite of his meager budget, he signed for dance lessons which he quit later, as he could not cope with them?

          He thought that mastering the violin was a better option, so he invested money in that. He even attended classes in public speaking.

          He also decided to take up the London matriculation exam with his studies. But the courses at University College London were not simple.

          Gandhiji finally passed his law examinations in January, 1891 and enrolled as a barrister. Thus his student years in London came to an end and he sailed for India on 12th June, 1891. 

What were the major hurdles faced by Gandhiji during his London days?

               Gandhiji went to London to pursue his studies in law and to become a solicitor. The main problem he faced was food. Gandhiji was a vegetarian and he had a tough time finding proper food. Even the vegetarian food he got was tasteless. He was in effect starving and very reluctant to ask his landlady for extra rations of bread. Like any other Indian student who was studying abroad, Gandhiji was homesick, too.

               English was an alien language for him. The English ways of dressing and etiquette appeared strange to Gandhiji. He was influenced by Henry Salt’s writing and he joined the vegetarian society. He was also nominated to its executive committee. Some of the vegetarians he met were members of the Theosophical Society. This organization, founded in 1875, to expand the horizon of universal brotherhood, had a great influence on him.

Why did Gandhiji’s decision to study abroad prove to be a difficult one?

          Gandhiji had qualified for college education after his matriculation in 1887. His father had been a Diwan in Porbandar and everybody in the family was expecting Gandhiji too, to become a Diwan. At that time, a degree in law was a must to occupy this coveted post.

          A family friend advised Gandhiji to pursue his study of law in England. This kindled a keen interest in Gandhiji, but there were a lot of hurdles in taking up studies in a foreign land. Foremost among them was the question of money. His family was not financially sound at that time. But this problem was solved when Gandhiji’s elder brother made arrangements for monetary support.

          His mother was very particular about keeping his religious purity in food and other habits and he even had to take an oath to remain a strict vegetarian in England and to keep his morals. The community to which he belonged also opposed Gandhiji’s journey to a foreign land and he was later declared an outcaste.

                  In any case, he set out on his journey on September 4th,1888. 

Why did Gandhi get married as a child?

                    Can you believe that there existed a time in India when child marriages were so common? Gandhi was himself a victim of this practice. It may seem curious now, that most of the time these marriages took place without the children knowing they were entering a new life. After marriage, these children would be happy to get a new playmate! Kasturbai Makhanji, later known as Kasturba Gandhi and Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi got married in the year 1883.

                   Due to his marriage, he lost a year at school, but he later made up for this. Life was a little bit confusing for both of them in the beginning. Young Mohandas often tried to control his wife with strict rules, but that didn’t work well. In his later life, Kasturba became an ardent supporter of Gandhiji’s public life. 

Why is it said that Gandhiji got good role models through reading?





                   Gandhiji treasured the marvellous benefits obtained from reading. He came to know about many great characters in Indian mythology through reading. Among them were some who won his admiration like Raja Harishchandra, a virtuous king who went through harsh tests, yet never deviated from the truth. He was also motivated by the story of Prahlad, the boy prince who showed his father the greatness of God. Such great characters had an over-whelming influence on young Gandhi. There is no doubt that these heroes had a great role to play in moulding Gandhiji’s principles like truth and honesty. 

Why Gandhi was considered a student of average merit, but of high moral values?




Gandhiji’s life as a student began at Rajkot where he studied the basics of arithmetic, history, geography and the Gujarati language. As a student, he did not show exceptional merit. He did not excel in the play-ground either. He was a boy who adored long walks rather than playing games. He matriculated from the Bombay University in 1887.







Gandhiji’s honesty finds mention in the pages of history. Once, during his school days, an inspector visited his school. The children were dictated five English words. His teacher encouraged young Mohandas to copy from his fellow student a word he had miss pelt. He refused to do this, despite inviting the displeasure of his own teacher. Thus, though he was an ordinary student he had strongly embraced high values.